Episode 22

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Romeo wanted to kill Saito. Hadn't he proposed the idea, he would be pairing up with Shanon. And there he stood with Leona, not that he didn't like her, but he wanted to pair up with Shanon. The couple hadn't had even a single date and there they were, separated by the stupid chit on his hand. Fate was really testing their love, but they were not going to give up, it was not in their blood after all.

"Don't frown. Aww, we are going to meet soon." Shanon cupped his face and pecked his cheeks.

"Take care" he kissed her slender soft fingers. "I'll miss you."

"Come on Shanon! And where has that Saito gone? We don't have time, teddy must be waiting for me, I mean we got to find that brat Shiki." Jae shouted. He was really eager to reach the Fire Palace, too eager that though he got the chit of staying at the base with Aika and Daniel, he volunteered to go with Shanon and Saito. And his lame excuse was; Shanon is just a kid and Saito, he doesn't know much about Hanokami; which no one was buying. They all knew, the main reason was his Teddy.

Pulling over for a kiss one last time, the couple bid farewell. Leona and Romeo left for Mizukami, but they were not the first to head out to their destination, Saizo and Kyousuke left for Tsuchikami, the moment they got their chit. They both were burning in the fire of revenge and guilt. It was bitter feeling but also sweet. It was painful, that they couldn't even take a breathe but was as pleasuring, making them even stronger. They were not the same as before. Kyousuke was ready to kill Shiki, the moment he see him. He knew he was the real murderer of his sister, Rose was just a pawn, a victim just like him, blinded by love. Saizo too knew Rose was a mere pawn a slave of his brother. Shiki was a person whom he trusted with his life blindly, was demon, a evil. The strong love was turned into hate and still was turning with every second passing.

"Take care of her." Saito requested Daniel as he hugged his sister, before leaving.

"Bye, Saito." Scarlet waved at him. But her friend standing beside came straight towards him and kissed him on his head.

"Don't die." Sophie broke the kiss. The crimsoned boy shyly nodded at her. Seeing her shy lover acting cute, she pulled him again for a hug.

"Mhmm....." Scarlet cleared her throat to bring the lovers back to reality. " Just exchange with Aika and Daniel and stay together." She joked.

"So, bye." Saito ran away blushing even more leaving the two girls chuckling at him.

"Let's go check out your lover boy's Kingdom." Sophie couldn't help but roll her eyes at the grinning girl. And, then they hit the road to kazekami.

Sophie McGarden, a blue-haired beautiful creature whom Aika couldn't help but get jealous at. The moment she saw her in person at her coronation, she was threatened, threatened for her position in her brother's heart. She knew, though born from different mothers, her brother loved her unconditionally, loved her as a sister. She laughed at herself. He loved her as a sister but her.......

"I should had seen it coming." She laughed at her pitiful state. Who was she kidding?  It was an impossible love, scratch that, it was just a silly infatuation, which was fed by the brotherly love and care she mistook as something more. But the incident from the night before woke her up. It was all crystal clear.

"Hey Aika,don't worry, they are all gonna be fine." Daniel broke her thoughts. " See, I made you your favorite Mac and cheese, just the way you like. "

The pink tint on his cheeks were not unnoticed by her. The boy had a crush on her and he even didn't hide the fact. Maybe she was too blind in her silly imaginations to miss such a perfect guy for her. He knew what she liked and disliked, more than her brother. It was like he knew every cell of her body. "You know what Daniel, I think I'm falling for you." She spoke truthfully making him bite his lips in embarrassment. Maybe she had already fallen for him.

The clanking of cutteries and plate were only sounds echoing in the huge dining room. Only two people were seated in the huge dining table.

"Rose, my darling. Can I ask you a favour once more? " he said.

"Yes, my king." The girl was not in her right mind. She was a human puppet. Everything he told she did without even a blink of an eye.

"You know what darling. We gotta put up an act now." He grinned evily.


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