Episode 24

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Leona and Romeo tried to keep low profile as they walked in the crowded destroyed city of Mizukami. People were everywhere, with fear and anger painting their faces. Whispers of attack and killing ran across the street.

"The History repeated itself. Long before, the Tsuchikami's crazy King started the war, and now his crazy blood, that bastard Prince Shiki is after power. He captured all the Kings, Queens and even the Prince and Princess and is hunting all the activated to deactivate them. He didn't even spared his family.

"Yes, but you know what, our Kingdom is the safest off all. All the other palaces are captivated and I heard a lot of  soldiers dressed as ninjas were heading to the Tsuchikami. That brat, he is more crazier than that Midori."

Leona and Romeo heard them all. Facing to each other the smirked. "Let's go there."

The trio; Shiki, Sophie and Scarlet, finally reached the city of Mizukami, without killing one another. Everything was in ruins. It seemed like there was a recent attack there. Smokes were still lingering in the air.

"It's all destroyed. We can't find anything here."

"But there should be some clue."

"Then let'sdo a quick search."

Shiki listened to the two girls talking with saying a single word. Looking at the ruins, he smirked and turned to the girls with a smirk on his face. "I think I know where they are."

Aika popped a crisp into her mouth. It was the fifth packet of crisps in a row and she hated crisp. Daniel had been stuck in the computer for hours to track all of them but hadn't found anything and she was bored.

Suddenly Daniel got  up from his computer and pulled Aika to see the cryptic message on the screen.

Turning to the girl, he said with a smile, " I think we have to go. It's Sophie."

Aika nodded her head with a smile. 'Sophie' the name didn't hurt  anymore. All she was into was Daniel and the way he still could smile with dark circles under his eyes due to lack of sleep for a couple of days.

"I'm sorry, Saizo." Rose gentry caressed the lad' s hair.

The boy just glared at her, trying to get out from her killing strings. 'When was she activated?' , he questioned himself. He knew something was fishy when they found her at the middle of the road in nowhere. He knew he shouldn't have stopped the car.

"Take your filthy hand away from us.", Kyousuke spat.  He was having a hard time to keep his calm when seeing his sister's murderer in front of him.

Rose just smiled and ignored him. "Saizo, are you angry with me?" She pouted "Don't be, dear. You promised that you will always support me in high and lows, didn't you?"

Saizo just turned his head to the side. He finally gave up. The girl was really strong. Even with her giving her full attention to them, her killing strings were still chopping off all the branches he produced with all his power.

The girl had gone crazy. Her eyes which were kind was void of any emotion. Not a single action of her was normal. It was like she was a puppet, a human puppet. And he blamed it all to his brother.

He made her crazy in love, crazy just like him. She showed no mercy, just like him. Her eyes were dark and cold, just like his.

Saizo felt a tear rolling down his cheeks. He hated his brother more. So much that he cursed his life to be born as that bastard brother.

"Let's go somewhere." Rose faked a smile, and dragged them behind her with her strings.

"I'm bringing them my Lord", she talked on her phone.

"Oh my! What a coincidence, I'm bringing them too, darling".

To be Continued
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