Episode 15

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Victor Curtis was a sly fox, who knew how to make people laugh. Well, different types of laugh, the 'Oh! Now stop praising me, or I'll be red forever' laugh, the 'you are so funny' laugh, the 'you are the best' laugh and sometimes 'Hm..mm, this is getting creepy' laugh. Over all, just laugh.

The lad dressed up in a pair of skin tight black leather pants and a pairing black leather jacket over a leopard printed silk shirt. With his shiny shoes clicking the floor as he walked past the young competitors. With a lollipop in his mouth and a choker round his milky white neck, he made everyone clear that, he was a DIVA.

Romeo gulped in nervousness as he watched the girl  standing besides him, from the corner of his eyes. As much as the poor boy stood there dying of nervousness, Shanon looked just fine, being the perfect girl she was, but was inwardly wishing the ground would swallow her up. Little did the poor boy knew the girl was avoiding his gaze and pretending to keep her calm. Why on Aether, did they have to meet again after the whole 2 hours embarrassing, crying and hugging session. To add to this, guess what, their dorms were just side to side and their assigned room, across each other. Just let the curtains open and they could see everything well not everything.

And at last, they both had to stand besides each other both embarrassed as hell.

"Good Morning ladies...." Victor paused in front of Shanon and gently lifted her chin with a hand while other took the lollipop out of his mouth with a pop. "Especially you lady" He whispered staring into her eyes with lust.

Romeo couldn't understand Why, but he felt his blood boiling. No other man was allowed to touch his lady....wait what? So, he cleared his throat loud and nice to brink back the lusty man to his consciousness.

Snapping out his thoughts, Victor let off Shanon's chin and flared at his intruder. Soon enough, his glare was turned into smirk. "And gentleman", he continued his greetings, as he leaned towards Romeo, making the latter gulp in fear. He had the poor boy widen his eyes so much that they could pop out of his sockets, when he spanked and gavea hard squeeze to his butt. Popping the lollipop into his mouth, he have a wink to the poor boy before he carried on his pace towards the stage.

"My God! Someone call a doctor, for I might pass out surrounded by such beautiful creatures.", he popped out his lollipop and threw it and dramatically fanned himself. The hall of the Grand Kingdom Hall roared with laughter at his silly antics.

Flashing out a huge smile, he watched the smiling and a bit calmer crowd which was tensed as hell as couple of moments before.

Coming back to the main point, he continued "As you all know I'm your dashing host, the notorious...Oops, I mean the famous Victor Curtis". The crowd again roared with laughter. "Today and tomorrow, we are going to have a tag battle. It would be a healthy game, just to warm you up. No killing each other. It would be just you, me and few judges".

"Let us welcome them with a huge round of applaud"

A man in his forties entered the hall with a stoic expression. He seemed so lean and small that he could even fit inside a match box......just kidding. He walked to the stage and turned to the crowd. "Good Morning. Yamato Hanamura. I'll analysis for strength ". He cut it short with a bow.

As the crowd was busy getting shocked at Mr.Hanamura a healthy built guy had already slipped into the hall and onto the stage. "Hello everyone, I'm Sasuke Takuya. Nice to meet you all, you all look really good. If you get nervous, just keep in mind, it's gonna be fine. You are going to do great. Just take a deep breathe and breathe it out slowly. Just breathe in and out. Breathe in, Breathe out. Breathe in...."

"Mr.Takuya. The kids are waiting", Victor nudged him. "Oh sorry. I got carried  away..... Me Sasuke Takuya would be analysing your techniques and moves". He finally stopped.

It was already 5 minutes and the crowd started to murmur as the third judge didn't come.

"I'm sorry guys", A voice came from the door accompanied by clanking of heels. A pretty busty woman in a tight red dress entered, showing her hips from left to right. "It's really hard to pick the perfect dress", she complained as she climed the stage. "Hi, I'm Jane Ayuzawa". She waved her hands, flashing a bright smile.

Hearing no other things from her, Victor cleared his throat and diverted everyone's attention towards him.

"Now, let us hear the rules. You are not allowed to use your power, only your weapons. No cheating and killing ecah other. And, no teaming up to kick someone's butt". He finished with a smile. "Now, come here and pick up a chit and you are going to fight accordingly".


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