Episode 6

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The shy Crowned Prince of Wind Kingdom, Prince Saito Matsukaze, was running down the familiar stairs, where he had been climbing up and down for quite a long time then, as it had been a couple of weeks that he stayed in the palace. He had gone to bed really late the previous night, had personally requested the maids and butlers not to disturb him, had forgot to set alarms and thanks to the sound-proof walls of his room, he was late for the ceremony. He didn't mind to put a mask as it was high time when everybody remove their mask and reveal their identity.

He was busy buttoning his blazer when he heard a small yelp in front of him

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He was busy buttoning his blazer when he heard a small yelp in front of him. Soon, he drowned into the depth of a pair of red eyes for a seconds but came back to the reality and swiftly pulled the tripping lady, being the gentleman he was. The lady sighed in relief and laughed at her clumsiness as she turned to the dazed Prince, "Thank you...... Your Highness" she quickly bowed, "I'm really sorry for my misbehavior."

Saito bit his lips looking at the nervous girl and chuckled, "Don't apologize, it's nothing big. The thing to be concerned about is, are you hurt anywhere? "

"No, Your Highness. I'm alright. Thank you for your concern.",the girl lowered her head to hide her red cheeks.

"Please just call me Saito, Miss?" the flushed Saito managed to gather some courage as they met eyes once again.

Just then, they we're interrupted by the announcement to remove mask as for the coronation was going to begin.

The lady walked pass the waffled Prince as she turned and gleefully stated, "Let's keep that question for the next time we meet Saito. "
Romeo started to panic. It was a few blinks remaining to 12, but he couldn't get a single glimpse of his sister. He knew that his father was not going to be pleased. Mentally preparing himself for any approaching chaos, he watched his wrist watch strike 12.
"Sorry father..... " was only thing he could whisper.

The royal orchestra played the royal piece, as the two stars of the event, entered through the main door, leaving many speechless with their overflowing royal aura. As they reached the stage, faced the audience, returned a bow to the latter and sat on the chair. The archbishop came and stood before the two heirs.

"Is your Majesty willing to take the oath?", the Archbishop questioned and continued as he received. "I am willing" answers from both the heirs. "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of your Kingdom and whole of Aether? "

"I solemnly promise so to do. "

Archbishop, "Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements? Will you to your power for the good of your people, Kingdom and whole world and for the will of God? "

"All this I promise to do" were the few words which left the lips of both the successor, that had the King and Queen approach them and crown them. The palace and the houses where the ceremony was broadcasted live on television roared with laughter and claps.

The now-crowned successor walked to the altar and extended their hands over the holy Bible as they took turns to take their Oath.

"The things which I have here before promised, I, the Crowned Princess of Kingdom of Mizukami ,Sophie McGarden, will perform and keep. So help me God. " the blue haired princess managed to receite it perfectly without any hindrance from her out-of-breathe lungs and dry-and-sore throat from running.

"The things which I have here before promised, I, the Crowned Princess of Kingdom of Hanokami, Scarlet Vermilion, will perform and keep, so help me God." the grapefruit-haired Princess flashed a dazzling smile as she continued, "and my People."

The two Crowned Princess bowed to the crowd who returned their bow and once again roared in laughter and claps......

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------------------------------------------------------Saito remained shocked as his eyes never left the Crowned Princess standing on the altar, radiating with beauty

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Saito remained shocked as his eyes never left the Crowned Princess standing on the altar, radiating with beauty. His step-sister, whom he loved as if she was his real sister Aika Matsukaze, stood there noticing the slowly turning-pink cheeks of the charming Prince as he glanced over the Crowned-Princesses at the altar. 'SCARLET', the flushed Prince received the name for the umpeenth time in his head as he bowed his head and bit his lips to hide his embarrassment. The ignored Princess standing beside him clenched her jaw as she shot draggers to the blue-haired Princess, Sophie.....

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To be continued.......
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