Episode 12

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The rain never seemed to stop in the McGarden Palace so did tears from Romeo's eyes. Once, having served McGarden as the general, Hattori Sakuragi, was a huge part of the childhood of the 2 heirs of the family. Never was there any day Romeo hadn't played with the old man. It was a miracle that the old man was able to make the ice-princess from birth smile.

The typing on the keyboard competed with the splattering of the rain. Leona had been staring at the blue-haired girl, busy with her computer, for an hour straight.

"Stop it Leona. Seriously, you are creeping me out." Sophie turned away from the monitor, facing the girl standing at the middle of her room.

"No, you are creeping me out." Leona walked towards her "Aren't you feeling anything..... Or you have really gone stone cold?" ,the caring tone of the lady had caught her off guard.

"Why should I wake up my feelings for him?" Sophie chuckled bitterly, "The old wrinkly was nothing but a blood-drinking-corrupt. Sword right through his heart serves him right." Sophie walked out of her room.

"Sophie! don't run away!" Leona chased after her, but decided to leave her alone. She knew her best friend very well. "It's okay to let your guards down for a bit, Sophie. It's okay to cry", she whispered.

Saito drove across the deserted outskirts of the McGarden palace. He wanted to return her phone but the weather didn't seem to help him. He was having second thoughts when he noticed someone walking under the rain. Well not just someone but someone with long blue hair, whose phone was with him.

He abruptly stopped his car, got out and ran towards the girl, not caring about the rain, "Princess Sophie ", he reached to call out not only received silence. "Excuse me, Princess but I...... ", he was cut short by the icy look, with tears threatening to fall off the Princesses.

The icy cold facade was broken by a single drop of tear rolling down the smooth rosy cheeks. All walls which stood high and strong came tumbling down. What left, was a vulnerable Princess who needed someone to lend her a shoulder.

"Oh my God! Please don't cry Princess." Saito panicked. Swiftly taking out his handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped her tears, but the naive Prince forgot about the rain which replaced the tears every time he wiped it away.

Looking at the poor Prince wiping her tears away, Sophie felt helpless as she tried to suppress her laugh. Not able to control herself anymore, she laughed a hearty laugh, which had the poor Prince dumbfolded.
Biting her lips to stop herself from laughing anymore, she looked towards the Prince. "Thank you", she flashed the most genuine smile of her life receiving a toothly smile in return

The rain seemed to disappear. The blurry road seemed to blur more. The grey sky seemed to fade out. Everything seemed to disappear as the two forgot about the whole world except each other's presence. The dive into the depth of eyes was obstructed, when a loud thunder brought them back to their senses.

Flushed out, both avoided their gaze, "Mm.... Do you have any work with me?" Sophie came back to her composure to break the awkwardness.

"Oh yes, I........ " A loud thunder roared, it rained more heavily. "But first of all let's get somewhere dry. We don't wanna risk you catching a cold, Your Highness." Saito pulled her towards his car.

A dark corridor sheltered silence and layers of dust like it was abandoned forever. It's lonely walls screamed out in agony. Just then a scream came from behind it. A man went crashing towards the wall as he cried in pain.

"You bastard! Why was she involved?" a man kicked him mercilessly.

"Please, My Lord! forgive me..... " he begged, holding the furious mans legs. His pain was unbearable. A couple of broken bones were for sure. But forgetting all those, he begged for his life. "There were no other options or else the old man couldn't be dead".

"Then theres no option for you too." A loud punch landed on the poor man standing over the bloody floor, making him pass out.

To be continued
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