Episode 27

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"At your service, My Lord." Sasuke bowed before an angry Raven.

Raven just nodded at him and carried on to stare at the debris of the main hall.

"I'm sorry My Lord. I couldn't live up to your order." Rosanna had got on her knees, the moment their captures escaped. "I will pay for this with my life. Please accept this pathetic's last bow."

And before he could reply, the girl was out of his sight.

"That psychopath." He muttered. He didn't even feel a bit sorry for her. There was no feeling for her. She was a psychopath who was just one of his puppet.

"I've got some soveigners for you My Lord." Sasuke pointed at his captures in his fire cage. "Prince Saito, Princess Shanon and an activated lad named Jae."

The king just nodded which made him twitch in anger.

'Just wait for the right time you fool.' He thought.

Just then they could hear their soldier cry in pain and noises coming behind them.

"Sophie", Raven didn't have to look who it was. He could feel her power from a distance.

The princess was painted in fury, all wet. It explained the noises and cries. She used her power.

"Darling." He walked towards her.

"NO! Don't come near me." She roared. "I couldn't believe that I had a monster as my father."

"Please baby, don't get angry with father. It's all for you."

"Huh!" She snorted. "If it's all for me then I don't want any of  these. Take it back."

"Ok. Sasuke do what she says. Drop down all the orders." He did it for her and could do anything for her. Anything.

"Are you a coward?" Sasuke glared at him. "Just get rid of her. Don't be a eunuch. The history is repeating itself." He snorted. "Last time, when Sophie came in our way, you were ready to give up, and I had to guide your foolish soul and kill her."

Saito, who was there all along heard it all. Shanon had to hold him back when he tried to break through the flames, which was not an option as it was a death flame. A single touch and you are turned into ashes.

"And now, another Sophie came, doing it all again." Sasuke continued. "You know what it's better if you get out my way too."

"What rubbish are you spitting?" Raven gripped his collar.

"Truth is bitter, Raven. You are not worthy of being the King. You don't have the courage that I have. Your feelings control you too much."

Raven was painted in horrification when he saw a barrier surrounding them. "The death circle."

Sasuke chuckle. "Now see your another beloved Sophie die in front of your eyes." He pointed his gun at Sophie.

Atleast one does when trapped inside of the death circle. It was unavoidable. Raven had to do something.

"NO! SOPHIE!" He heard Saito shout. He felt a corner of his heart warn up a little. 'Sophie, your son has grown into a fine young man.' He thought.

"Sophie", Scarlet had also entered the scene. Her breathes which were heavy due to running were hitched the moment she saw her inside death circle.



The time got slow. Raven took the bullet for his daughter. He watched his daughter's face for the last time. From far, he also he also saw his son, Romeo, holding back tears in his eyes. He had recognized him the moment he saw him disguise as a guard. His heart hurted when he saw the shock and disgust in his eyes.

When the bullet hit him, he smiled a little. He remembered Sophie felt the same pain years ago. It was unbearable. But he couldn't help but smile. It was the least he could do to repay for his sins. Moreover, he was saving his daughter, Sophie, his life.

As the flame spread across his body, he exerted all his power. It was the least he could do to help his children escape from there.

The whole area was flooded out of nowhere.

Sophie coughed out water as soon as her eyes opened.

She felt disgusting. The reality haunted her. She could see her friends her surrounding her under the moonlight. She felt their stare piercing her. She was the main reason for all that.

Romeo kneeled beside her and hugged her immediately.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She whispered. "I am the cause of all this."

"Shoosh. No, you are not. We don't blame you." Romeo pated her.

And for the first time, everybody, except Saito, saw the ice-cold princess cry for the first time.

To be Continued
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