Episode 13

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"So, let's do that."

The next day all the Kings and Queens of the 4 elemental Kingdom along with their generals held a meeting in the Main Capital Palace, regarding the Tournament and demise of the Council President.

"Yes, let's do that. The old man wouldn't be wanting us to cancel the whole tournament. The children had worked really hard throughout the year for it. The old man is probably agreeing to our decision, somewhere in heaven." Raven McGarden, The King of Kingdom of Mizukami approved.

"Then let's fix the dates." Karasuma Kusarabe, The King of Kingdom of Tsuchikami said, putting on his reading glasses. 

The Tournament was something that all the people awaited for, well not all in general, but the 'activated' children. Not all people were activated, only the royals and the nobles were activated. The activated ones could use their power according to their elements. Only the King or the one on the throne could activate the power.

Shhhooooooss....... the arow shot right at the middle of the target. "Ahh!", Shanon cried holding her aching shoulder. The fight from the day before had her whole body numb with pain. But, she couldn't care less, the tournament was starting from the next day. She should be perfect.

Bearing all the pain, she again got in her position to shoot another arrow. Aiming right at the centre of the target, she took a deep breathe to suppress her pain. Just when she was about to shoot, someone held her aching shoulder, which made her miss the target.

"What the........" She turned to her intruder, but whined in pain when Scarlet poked her shoulder.
Before she could say anything, she found herself pushed on the ground and felt soothing heat on her aching shoulder.

"Don't think I care for you or anything...... ", the eldest of the Vermilion siblings performed the miracles of her healing flame on her sisters shoulder. "Only I can be the cause of your pain" she lied through her teeth. Though they were polar opposites, but Scarlet dearly loved her annoying sister.

Scoffing at her sisters words, Shanon tried to get up but was pushed back. It was clear that she wasn't  allowed to go anywhere until her sister finished which didn't take too long. Scarlet got up and dusted her clothes, before giving a hand to her sister. Getting on her feet, Shanon too dusted her clothes and tried to move her shoulder.

"Won't I receive a single 'thank you'? Tsk Tsk....... Your totally healed, too much to act kind nowadays......", Scarlet scrunched her nose.

Seeing no affect of her words on her sister, Scarlet continued "Don't try too hard, it's not like you are even going to win the first round."

Tuning a deep shade of puce, Shanon turned away. It was worthless to spend her time fighting which she could utilize in her practice.

"By the way, someone seems to find herself a boyfriend", Scarlet stated making the red with anger lady runaway blushing. Laughing at the sudden change of emotion, Scarlet turned to Jae, who was standing there the whole time with his stoic expression. "Hasn't our Miss-Perfect grown up Jae?" she cocked her head to side receiving the same stoic expression from the lad.

The weather around McGarden palace was finally clear but the Prince was still the same. Huge bags were formed under his red puffy eyes due to lack of sleep. Lips were chapped, cheeks stained with tears ,the frizzy blue locks were flying everywhere, tangled. He had distanced himself from everyone to such an extent, that he didn't even once came out of his room.

Romeo was hiding under the sheets, curled up in a ball, when he felt a soft slender hand caressing his bangs. Glancing up he saw a blurry image of his sister?

Running her hands through her brothers frizzy tangled hair, she soothed him, " I'm sorry Romeo your sister couldn't save that old man. Forgive me, please". She somehow managed to stop the tears welled up in her eyes from falling. "But we have to be strong, he won't be pleased to see us getting upset from a corner of heaven.......", she said smiling bitterly knowing he was somewhere in hell, getting punished for his bad deeds "Cheer up man, let it go."

Her words broke him down. Patting him to sleep, like the old man did when they were kids, Sophie smiled watching her brother drown in his slumber.

After a nice sleep of a good 6 hours, Romeo finally got up feeling fresher and lighter than before he went to sleep. He got up from his bed and headed towards the shower. He stood in front of the faucet to brush his teeth when a shrinking cry left the mouth of the Prince.

Hearing her brother cry, Sophie smirked feeling proud at her accomplishment. Well, she did a really good job at scribbling her sleeping brothers face with sharpies.

To be continued
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