Episode 16

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"So the winner is Shiki!", Victor announced clapping his hands, receiving cheers and hoots from the crowd.

"Go home, loser......", Shiki whispered into Agnes's ear as he retreated her own sword from her neck. Turning towards her, he gave a cocky smirk and walked away, dropping her sword harshly in the ground.

Fuming with  anger, the poor girl turned to deep shade of puge. She just wanted to punch that devilish face until his smirk fade away.

Knowing that his brother had definitely pissed off his opponent, on top of that, a female opponent, Saizo ran towards the battle field, picked up the discarded sword and paced towards the defeated lady.

"I'm really sorry in behalf of my brother... He is really bad at dealing with girls", he handed the lady her sword. "You know what, you are the second most beautiful lady warrior I've ever seen..", he voiced out, earning a glare from the latter. "I mean, an angry you is second most beautiful lady warrior but a smiling you is the number one most beautiful lady warrior". He smiled gleefully.

Hearing him, the lady couldn't hold back her smile. No one could be uneffected by the sweet talker's trap.

"So boys and girls, let us wrap up here. You all did a pretty impressive job. I'm happy to see all your body parts together. Rest well, and half of you be ready for tomorrow's battle. Good bye", Victor waved his hand to the slowly retreating crowd. "Oh wait, not to mention, but the results of today's battle is posted at your dorm's gate". He had a mischievous smile on his face. "Let the world know Who got their butts kicked."

Rika threw a tissue ball at him, but couldn't resist herself from laughing, though she was defeated, when the diva dramatically pretended to be hurt.
                           TAG BATTLE
Day 1
Saito*         vs     Levin
Rika            vs     Shanon*
Aaron         vs     Saizo*
Vivienne*  vs     Vanessa
Shiki*          vs     Agnes

'Pop!' Victor popped out his lollipop as he turned away from the notice. A thin thread of saliva dangled from his pink plump lips to his cherry flavoured lollipop.

People should had cringed at the sight, but they couldn't help themselves from snapping his pictures. With a hand on his hip and other holding his lollipop, thickly coated with saliva, connecting it to his mouth, he looked FIRE.

Noticing the paparazzi focusing on him, rather than on the result  of the battles, he pouted and huffed. Pointing at the notice, he walked towards his car, but not before flying them a kiss.

"Hey Rose!", Saizo rushed towards the lady, leaving his brother behind. He was loud enough to have all eyes on him. The lobby of the hotel was filled with the competitors and a family or friend each. Not caring about stares everyone was giving, the lad pulled the lady and held her tight against her thin waist.

Habitual with his touchy habits , Rose flashed him a killer smile. "Hi, Saizo. Congratulations", she gave him a tight hug, making someone nearby curse at his own brother.

"Then can I have my gift?", the younger pouted. I'm receiving a puzzled face, but soon a good nod, he continued "I want a kiss", he tapped his cheeks with his fingers.

The lady smiled and leaned towards him. But before her soft lips could touch his cheeks, Shiki grabbed her wrist and dragged her away.

"Mission accomplished.", Saizo whispered as he watched them vanishing in the crowd. 

"Shiki! You are hurting me. Stop it!", Rose jerked his hands away. The empty corridor was filled with nothing but the sound of her hitched breathes. "What's wrong with you?" She asked him with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?", Shiki scoffed. "You, you are wrong with me. Why did you let him get a kiss?", He roared.

"Can't I do anything I want my life. It's not like you are my boyfriend.....", the shouting lady was cut short with a kiss, or rather a peck.

"Be my girlfriend then." The lad cupped her cheeks. The lady couldn't believed what she heard. "Answer or else I'll kiis you", he threatened.

That cleared the doubts of the lady and had her jumping with joy as she nodded her head with a 'YES'. On hearing her answer, the Prince smiled and leaned for a kiss, but was disappointed when his lips came in contact with her cheeks. "I'm not comfortable Shiki. Let's take it slow", the lady replied.

The Prince smiled and hugged her tightly as he whispered into her eare, "Take your time darling, cause you are mine, only mine".


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