Episode 5

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
The ring went on, pissing off an unmasked Romeo, whose grip got tighter around the device and black mask. As he heard the crippling sound of the squished mask, he quickly flipped it once to straighten up any crease and slipped it into his pocket.

A frown started to appear in his forehead, while he started to bite his lower lip, as the ring went on. The only sound heard in the deserted garden were the back and forth pacing of the impatient Romeo.

After calling ten or eleven times in a row, finally the receiver received the call. "Speak", was the only word heard.

Controlling the urge to throw his phone, Romeo spat, "Huh! Just speak? Do you even know how many times I've been trying to call you? You......"

"Only eleven times. Get to the main point", was heard from the other side of the line, interrupting him.

Having his blood boiled enough to burst his blood vessels, he began to laugh like madman before replying, "You must be kidding me. Don't try to mess with me, you know that you owe me for last night?  You have to do what I tell or else your secret will not remain a secret."

The tables turned as the receiver spoke, "Don't act smart, you brat. I still have your stupid pose's video. People are not going to be pleased to have an idiot prince, who think of himself as a supermodel."

"No!", turning red as a tomato, he shuttered, "yo......you are no..not going to do th....that. It was ju...just a fu....funny film from a funny angle." Hearing a muffled laugh he got more angry, "Don't you dare doing that. You know what, I'm gonna hack into your system and destroy that video, N o I am gonna destroy up your whole system."

"Amuse me, crybaby." were the three words which made Romeo sure that he would be pulling a whole nighter the night.

"Just tell me where are you now?" Romeo spoke, glancing his diamonds embedded watch, where the ticking arms made him choke on his own words. "Oh my God! Just where in the world are you? There's only ten minutes remaining before the coro...."

Cutting his sentence, the phone beeped. "Shoot!" He banged his fist to the nearby wall but was only jolted back when his skin came in contact with a rose bush. He realised that his unconscious walk round the garden has got him trapped inside a maze.

Walking for a good minute through the 'never-ending' maze like he used to play in during his childhood, he finally reached the opening of the maze.

As soon as he stepped out of the rosy maze, the first thing he saw was something glittery, knocking right on the face. Stumbling to get his composure after the sudden attack, the once happy-go-lucky boy changed into an angry mess. Grasping the something glittery, a glittery mask, the victim glare at his victor, a pretty orange haired girl dressed in blue.

After the nasty encounter in the hall,  Shanon wanted sometime for her own. People didn't seem to appreciate her. The more she tried to be perfect, the more she was disappointed. She had her last straw. On reaching the silent roof top, she quickly got rid of her uncomfortable mask and threw it somewhere, only to feel someone's glare on her.

As the eyes met, the time seemed to stop. The loud sound from the hall seemed to have muted. The wind softly blew their hair as the sunlight stroke it creating a halo round their pretty face. Just then as their gaze never broke, the silence broke.

"Hey you, pumpkin head! Don't you have eyes?" Romeo burst out, unable to control his fury.

Shanon too broke from her shell, "Huh! Can't you, see my pretty purple eyes?" she sarcastically remarked, "Well I think you don't have one, you moron."

"You know what, you smart mouth... you're really gonna be in trouble messing with me." Romeo spat as he tried to contain his composure.

"Amuse me, crybaby", Shanon chuckled as she left him, fuming with anger.

To be  continued.......
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