Episode 10

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"I've arrived my ladies! ",the epic playboy of the nation, Prince Saizo made a dramatic entrance in the festival, mocking the passerby look at him weirdly and avoid him. Well people didn't knew under the thick layer of makeup and clothes was actually a Prince.

Shiki face-palmed himself and moved away from him. "I don't know who he is. "

Seeing his brother retreating from him, Saizo stopped his act and ran towards him "Why are you leaving me alone! " The younger pouted as he stomped his feet.

The 20 year old lad was not gonna buy his act, that was for sure - as he kept on his pace. He was busy searching for a specific lady, a lady whom he wanted to surprise, a lady whose name was ROSE.

Noticing that, Saizo clunged on his brother. "Bro, why don't you enjoy your life! See I'm just 15 and have dated more than double number of women than my age, But you still are....... "

Blushing hard at his brothers statement, Shiki knocked him off, hard but not hard enough. The last thing he wanted was his dear brother hurt, pointing at a flock of women across the road,  he stated, "Then go add some more to the list. "

Liking what he saw ,the dramatic Saizo mode activated. Already heading towards the ladies he stated, "Well bro,  I'm not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself. So see ya~~"

"Now where is the damn game"

It didn't take too long for him to find the place. He stood there searching for her, but she couldn't be found anywhere. " Let's wait here for the time being. She will definitely be here. " he consoled himself.

"Miss, no, you can't play this alone. You need a partner for sure. " a staff of the game was trying to make a stubborn Scarlet understand.

"Can't you see I'm alone. No one is my partner. "Scarlet fought back.

"What is the commossion here? "a loud voice cut the noisy environment of the stall. Hattori Sakuragi, the Council President of the Main Capital, also the organizer of the festival broke in. When the staff explained to him, he turned to Scarlet and smiled at her. " Let me help you miss. " He glanced all over the place and stopped at Shiki. "Excuse me Mister, Would you mind to be this lady's partner. It would be free of cost for you. "

"What, no! "Shiki retorted.

"Oh! Just come with me. "Scarlet dragged him with her. "Don't be shy. Be a man. It doesn't suit you to whine like a child. I won't eat you. "

Thanks to the old man, he got stuck with an annoying girl who had fallen at least three times in mere ten minutes. Not able to hold back his anger, he excused himself to the restroom. He was fucked up enough to kill the old man. Forming a huge frown on his forehead, he quickly dialed up a number on his phone.

"Where in the freaking world are you, Sophie! I've.... " Leona was cut in middle of her sentence when a masculine voice answered from the other side.

"Sorry, but actually she had dropped her phone and I found it, I tried to return it to her but she was really fast. "Saito replied in a clam voice.

"Where is she now? "Leona ignored his hustle talk getting right to her point.

"In the festival but.... " he was cut with a beep. "She was really weird." Saito quaked over the phone.

Scarlet scratched her head as she tried to figure out what the malachite parcel meant or else, they have to unwrap all the parcel, which made a huge pile, double her height, until they find the one with clue for next.

Shiki rolled his eyes at the too dumb girl for his liking and went straight to the Pile and picked up a malachite parcel and threw it at her. "Ever heard about malachite Dumbo. " he smirked. God, it was getting interesting for him too.

"Thanks" without thinking much she tore it open and found a clue inside. " Let's go",she pulled Shiki
towards their next location. But on reaching the place, they were left bawfled at the sight, a room full of food enough for 100 people.

Snatching away the clue paper from her hand, Shiki read it aloud, " Half solid, half liquid, I'm hot and loved hot too, A foxy boy loves me and probably you do too. "

"RAMYEON" they both shouted and ran across the room to find it.

"The first one to find it, eat it! ",Scarlet exclaimed but soon regretted as she heard a sound of chopsticks splitting. There stood a smirking Shiki ready to devour on the big bowl of ramyeon noodles. Devastated, she turned away and pouted her lips, but she got surprised at something hot touching her lips. Turning to her side, she saw Shiki offering her the ramyeon.

There eyes remained locked, even when Scarlet opened her mouth and slurped in the tasty long noodles with a pop.

Just then, there was a boom, a BIG BOOM.

To be continue.....
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