Episode 26

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"Are you sure?", Daniel asked for the last time.

"Now there's no turning back."

And he was the last one to pour out his power into the static ball of their power, a power bomb. It was a banned practice as it drained all power and was strong enough to kill it's user too but there was no other choice. As the ball increased in it's size indicating it's activation, he ducked under the shield Saizo made for them.


A thick envelope of smoke covered the wrecked hall.

Their plan worked but with the price of half of their power. But they couldn't care less, they were finally free and took the chance to run.

The four of them ran ignoring fatigue and pain but they knew  they were being followed. Followed by a psychopath, Rosanna Stretton.

"Let's disperse. It would be hard for her to track all four of us." Saizo proposed and soon was  alone running alone.

A cold shiver ran down his spine. He knew she was after him. Fear gushed into him, what else could he do, he was tired, injured and drained out half of his power.

So he just ran, ran for his life.

"Not so fast hun." Rosanna blocked his way. Her hand clinched around his neck.

And Saizo found himself suffocating in the pain due to the blow he received on his stomach. The pain added when he was thrown 5 metres far onto a tree.

"You know what hun, it is the first time I made My Lord disappointed." She walked towards him. "And you are it's cause."

"You are a psycho. Father was right about you. It was our mistake to trust you."

She just laughed at him. Ignoring his words she continued, "I dissapointed him today. You know what that means?" Her sharp nails cut his skin as she ran her hand on his cheeks. "I can't live anymore. I can't live with it!"  She broke out.

Tears ran down her face.

[Tears ran down her face. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from constantly rubbing it. Her stomach grumble and her body shivered.

She was hopeless. She was in despair.

'Stay here baby. Dad is going to return with food.' With that her poor father had left her under the bridge where they lived.

"When will you come?" She whispered. He hadn't returned in 5 days. He had disappointed her.

"Hey little girl. What are you doing there?" A man asked her.

"Oh come on Raven! Now don't go picking up street children." A male beside him tried to pull him.

"I am the King. I give the order not you Sasuke." He received a glare from the other male. "Hey, do you wanna come with me?" He smiled at her. 

Rosanna thought she saw an angel. She nodded. He was he saviour. She gave her life to him.

She promised not to disappoint him, ever.

Again, tears ran down her face.

"I want you to help take over the world." She remembered his words clearly. She  listened to his plan throughoutly and agreed to him without thinking.

She burnt down the pile of all her medical courses textbooks. She burnt down her dream for him. She couldn't disappoint him.

And again, tears ran down her face.

She watched Izumi die.

'Kill her.' Raven had told her. "She is a threat."

And she did. She couldn't disappoint him. ]

And their she was with tears again running down her face. But this time, cause she disappointed him.

"Don't let them flew away. They are threats to us." He had said.

"Rose!" A loud cry brought her back to reality. She walked back as she found herself chocking Saizo when she saw the intruder, she went white.

Standing there was Shiki who felt like thousands of bullet through hus heart. He had laughed it away when Scarlet said Rose killed Izumi. 'She could never do such thing', he thought. But the moment he saw her trying to kill his brother, the reality hit him hard.

Sweat beads ran through his cold forehead. She was behind it all, all the time. He couldn't move.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was not in my right mind." Rosanna panicked. She watched Sophie and Scarlet come to help Saizo.

She smiled. With a quick move, she ran silver dragged into her heart.


"Rose!" Shiki ran towards her. "No, just hang on. You can't die." He cried.

"I'm sorry Shiki. I deserve to die." She laughed.

"No, I can't live without you."

"You can Shiki. We don't even love each other. That was nothing more than an infatuation. We both know it that you have someone else in your heart. I can see it in your eyes." She carassed him for the last time as she watched the reality sink into him.

"How pathetic is my life", she laughed. I deserve to die.

She laughed like a madman as she took her last breathe, on the lap of her lover whom she never loved.

To be Continued
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