Episode 25

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"I'm sorry about earlier. Sophie is a big meanie but firm inside, she is really nice", Scarlet caressed her sleeping friends blue hair.

Shiki just nodded and added some wood to the fire. They had decided to camp by the outskirts of Tsuchikami for the night. The starry-night background and the amber glow of the fire sharply enhanced his handsome features. Scarlet found herself looking at him. Her eyes traced each and every feature on his face, the pointed nose, sharp-jaw line and mysterious eyes.......

"How much do you love Rose?", she asked with an unknown feeling building up in her stomach.

Shiki stopped for a second, his expression confused. "What kind of question are you asking?" He turned to the girl. "She is my life."

"You know what, she is lucky to have a boyfriend like you." She received a smile. "And Saizo, he is really mad at you."

His expression turned dark. "Believe in me, I'm not behind this." He answered abruptly.

"If you say so." Scarlet smiled genuinely. "But a part of my heart wants to believe you. I can see the pain in your eyes when you speak about Rose being kidnapped."

Shiki smiled at her. The look of  her eyes was more than genuine. A weird force of attraction. It looked just like in movies. He forgot everything else, all focus on the red hair. He even forget to breathe but the suffocation felt like Nirvana.

He closed the gap between them, carassed her soft rosy cheeks. Electric shock, when their skins touched. He leaned in to taste her pink lips.

Scarlet closed her eyes, waiting for his kiss. She was not in her right mind. Her mind told to stop but heart and body said something else.

"No", Shiki moved back when the reality hit him. He forgot about his purpose for a second, and  got carried away. He couldn't do it. He couldn't cheat on Rose. She was the love of his life, he thought.

With tears streaming down her eyes, Scarlet watched the lad go away. She bit her lips to suppress the sound going out of her mouth. She didn't wanted to wake up the girl sleeping on her lap. She tasted blood, she had bitten her lips too hard that it bleeded. But the pain was nothing compared to the suffocating pain in her heart. She was falling for the person who was the cause of all the chaos. But she felt more hurt to think that he loved someone else, he was already taken.

"Hun, I'd want you to behave in front of our new King." Rose gently caressed Saizo's side.

"This goes for you too gentleman." She turned Kyousuke who glared at her.

Rose looked nothing less than a maniac. Her eyes lacked any emotion. The smile on her face widened with every step she took towards main courtyard. But of course dragging them.

Every guard's bowed at her as she passed. Saizo remembered how she used to even bow to the guards despite Shiki's approval. But, she was fully changed. The Rose who he used to like was no more.

She suddenly stopped and bowed.

"I brought them, My Lord."

"You could never disappoint me darling." A chuckle came from the middle of the hall.

In the middle of the hall was seated a well built man with a cloud of thick evil aura around him.

"You bastard!", Saizo shouted in surprise as he struggled to get out of the strings and pounce at him. Kyousuke was doing the same; cursing and struggling.

In a second, they were struggling hard, struggling for life as Rose's hands found their way to their throats  and lifted them into the air.

"Calm down, Rosanna. Let them take our their frustrations. The two had same reactions when I brought them here." He pointed at the two captures inside a fire cage.

"Don't they look pretty there." He reached for Rose hands and carassed them. "I think it would look prettier, if four are inside."

Rose nodded and soon there were four captures inside the fire cage.

Saizo tried to break the cage but was stopped  by Aika. "Don't be foolish, this flame is not normal. A single touch and you turn into ashes."

"How are you two here?" The lad asked.

"Long story short.", Daniel piped in. "He lured us here using Sophie's cryptic message."

Saizo wouldn't take it anymore. His head hurted so much  that  he could die. He couldn't understand anything. He hated his  brother for everything and there he stood in front of the real enemy who was not his  brother all along.

"Stretton, do you think he will bring her", Raven Mcgarden, the King of Mizukami, asked about his daughter.

"He will definitely bring her. My Lord. He love me too much for him to lose me." Rose or the Rosanna Stretton assured him but inside, she couldn't assure herself. 'Does he really love me?", the question haunted her.

Back in forest in the outskirts Shiki ran to clear his mind.

"Do I really love Rose?", the question haunted him too.

Every timehe closed his eyes, the face of a girl other than Rose flashed. He was in despair.

"No, I shouldn't doubt my love for Rose." He stopped, panting hard. "I have to bring them to the bastards soon."

The people who had kidnapped Rose had asked Sophie as ransom.

To be Continued
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