Chapter 42

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Amber's point of view

We get to the hospital quickly and see my aunt and, who I believe is kyleigh, in the waiting room.

"What the hell happened? Is she okay?" I ask immediately.

"We're not sure yet. We're still waiting for a doctor to come back out," Kyleigh says.

I bite my tongue because I was about to either scream or cry. Cam and I sit down a few seats away from everyone else and I'm anxiously shaking in my seat.

Cam puts his hand on my thigh, and I stop shaking as much.

"Amber she's gonna be fine," he says.

"You don't know that. So many things could go wrong, cam. And we don't even know what's wrong or why she's here. We don't even know what happened and for all we know she taking her last breath in a hospital bed right now.. And what if-"

He quickly kisses me, to get me to stop rambling.

"Listen to me... She is going to be okay. Try not to worry too much," he says.

"How do you expect me to not be worried? My baby girl is laying in hospital bed right now, and nobody seems to have any goddamn idea what put her there!" I exclaim, tears filling my eyes.

He grabs my hand and uses his other hand to wipe tears from under my eyes.

I lean over, laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's crazy how things can go from so amazing to so terrible in just a matter of seconds..." I say.

Before he can say anything, a doctor calls out Logan's name.

"We had to put a breathing tube down her throat because it was closing up and she was having difficulty breathing, she seems to be having some sort of allergic reaction. Can you tell me what she ate today?" The doctor asks.

"Um for breakfast, she had just two slices of toast and for lunch she had a peanut butter sandwich," my aunt says.

"And is she allergic to any medicine?"

"No," I answer.

After he walks away I turn to face my aunt.

"Are you crazy?! You gave Logan peanut butter?!" I exclaim, "you could've killed her!"

"She didn't tell me," my aunt says calmly, I can tell she is only here to make herself look good, she doesn't give a shit whether or not Logan is okay.

"She's four years old!" I yell, "I knew you were going to hurt her! She was with you for less than two days and you put her in the hospital. I knew you were going to do something to. You did to me, you did to Tyler! You don't give a shit about Logan so just stay away from her!"

I'm trying my best not to completely break down.

My aunt just walks away and cam pulls me into his arms. That's when I lose it. I start to completely break down. I'm crying and I can't breathe and my entire body is shaking.

She has to be okay. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's my everything.

"Cam, she has to be okay..." I choke out.

"She will be" he says.

I force myself to try and calm down, and walk back to our seats.

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