Chapter 43

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Amber's point of view.

I open Twitter and one of the first things in my feed is a tweet from jack.

"I tried apologize. It's not my problem if you don't forgive me..."

I forgot I was still following him. I know I shouldn't care what he thinks but I do, so it actually really hurt when I saw this.

"I hate you so much so why do I still care what you have to say..." I post, indirectly responding to him and then unfollow him.

Less than a week goes by and everyone is tweeting me a clip from some gossip channel on YouTube that I've never heard of.

"Now nobody knows exactly what happened, but there is definitely something going on between social media stars Jack Gilinsky and Amber Greene. They recently unfollowed each other on both Twitter and Instagram, which seems strange because they always seemed to be the closest to each other in magcon, besides Amber and Cameron of course because, at least from what I know, Amber and Jack weren't sleeping together. However before they unfollowed each other, these tweets were posted, now they weren't obviously directed towards each other but I think indirectly they were. First Jack posted a tweet saying, 'it's not my fault if you don't like something I say,' and a couple of days later Amber posts 'think you made your greatest mistake.' Now there's a list of things they both tweeted out, and if you want to know all of them, you can look on both of their accounts, but here's the most recent one. First Jack says, 'I tried to apologize. It's not my problem if you don't forgive me ...' And within an hour there is an indirect reply from Amber, 'I hate you so why do I still care what you have to say.' No one really knows what started this but it must've been something pretty big..."

The video ends there. Well this is just great.

'Did you see video...?' I get a text from Jack.


'I already told u I didn't mean it Amber. I tried dropping it🙄' he replies.

'Yeah well if someone stabbed you and then put a bandaid over it, would it hurt any less?'

I send it and turn my phone off as Logan comes running up the stairs.

"Momma!" She exclaims.

"What's up baby girl?"

"Can we watch the mermaid movie?" She asks with puppy dog eyes. I laugh and say yes.

"With popcorn?" She asks.


"And candy?"

"Don't push it," I laugh, and she runs grabbing 'the little mermaid' movie from her room.

I go downstairs and make a bag of microwave popcorn whilst setting up the movie.

Half way through the movie and Logan is asleep on my lap. I don't know what it is about movies with her but she always falls asleep, no matter how early it is.

I turn the tv off and carry her back to her room, trying not to wake her.

"So I take it you still haven't fixed things with Jack?" Cam says, sitting next to me on our bed.

"Nope and I still don't plan on fixing things with Jack."

"Amber he's your best friend.."

"No. He's not. Okay, he's not my best friend. He's not even my friend. I was just stupid enough to think he was for so many years. He thinks I'm a worthless, dirty, slut, so no, he isn't my best friend."

My phone starts ringing and I don't recognize the number but I answer it anyways, just to get me out of this conversation about Jack.

I quickly regret my decision.

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