Chapter 64

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Amber's point of view

To no one's surprise, I wake up with a sudden nausea. Jumping out of the bed, I run into the bathroom and throw up everything I ate the following night. I hear cam come in. I feel bad that I woke him up so early but there's nothing I can do about that. Holding my hair with one hand, I feel his other on my back. Great way to start what is supposed to be one of the best days of my life.

Cam and I were finally getting married today and being completely honest, I was nervous as hell. Not about marrying him, I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I was nervous about the actual ceremony. What if I trip over my dress, what if I forget my vows, oh god.

I know you're not supposed to see each other the day of the wedding but cam and I both decided that that was stupid.

I get up to wipe off my mouth and brush my teeth and we both go back to bed, since it's only 4:30 am.

"Baby are you okay?" Cam says quietly, "you look... upset."

"No I'm fine, I'm just... I don't know I guess I'm just nervous."

"About the wedding? Are you having second thoughts? Do you not want to anymore?"

"No. No of course I want to. I love you so much, and I love our family. I want to be married to you but what if I mess something up, what if I trip walking down the isle-" cam kisses me to shut me up.

"Everything is going to be perfect Amber."

~Hours Later~

I was in the room we were given to get ready and cam was in his.

I don't think I've ever felt so nervous.

"Amber stop pacing and sit down, I need to do your hair" Kellianne yells at me , grabbing my arm and pulling me over to the mirror.

She then finishes my makeup and I change into the simple white dress

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She then finishes my makeup and I change into the simple white dress.

Before I know it we are standing by the door waiting for our queue to go in

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Before I know it we are standing by the door waiting for our queue to go in. My brother wraps his arm around me.

I made sure he was here for the wedding and was completely prepared to call it all off at the last second if he wasn't here.

I hear the music start, and I'm immediately more nervous than I thought was even possible. The doors open and my friends walk through before me. Lastly it's my turn, i slowly push open the door. There's a room full of people but I can only focus on one. I only focus on him as I walk down the isle. Suddenly I'm not nervous anymore, not even a little bit, because I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.

I never thought I'd feel the way I do, standing up there with him, it felt like we were the only people here, like everyone just disappeared.

"I understand that you've each written your own vows? Amber would you like to go first?" I nod my head in response.

"Never in my life did I think I would be up here. Not with anyone, but especially not with you. I'd be lying if I said I didn't absolutely hate you when we first met," I start, laughing a little and the whole room laughing with me, "but here we are, here I am, standing in front of a room full of people, telling you how much you mean to me. I never thought I would feel this way, I didn't even know feeling this way existed. I grew up thinking that love was a bad thing, that love meant pain, but you showed me how wrong I was. I was that awkward, shy girl who walked around terrified all the time, and I will never understand what you saw in me back then, but you completely changed my life. People say we're rushing into things, that we're too young to know how we feel, that we're too young to have a family of our own, and maybe we are, but I don't care, because every second without you is one wasted. I don't want to waste anymore seconds."

He smiles back at me and grabs both of my hands in his.

"I know how horrible I was when we first met, and I will always regret every second that I spent hurting you. You said that I changed you, but you're wrong, you changed me. I love you more than you even know, hell more than I even know. I haven't always been there for you. At the times I should've been there the most, I wasn't. I wasn't there when you were having Logan, and I wasn't there for the first two years of her life. I missed her first word, first time crawling, walking... I don't want to miss anymore. I promise I'm going to be here this time, for you, for Logan," he puts one of his hands on my stomach," and for this little guy coming," the entire room gasps, we hadn't told anyone about the baby yet so this is the first time they're hearing of this," this time is going to be different, this time I'm not going anywhere. Whenever I hear you laugh, or see your beautiful smile, or look into your gorgeous brown eyes, or get to hold you in my arms, or wake up next to you, I fall a little bit more in love with you each time. That is never going to change, I love you Amber, more than words can describe." He smiles and I feel tears falling down my cheeks.

"Do you Amber Greene take Cameron Dallas to be your lawfully wedding husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." I say, tears still rushing down my face.

"And do you, Cameron Dallas take Amber Greene to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part?"

"I do"

"Well, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Cam grabs my face and crashes our lips together with more passion than ever. People cheering is the only thing that brings me back to reality as we pull away.

"Ladies and gentlemen for the first time in history I present mr and mrs Cameron Dallas."

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