Chapter 54

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Amber's point of view

I spend the next couple days selling Logan and I's old clothes that don't fit anymore. No use in keeping them and we need the money.

Cam comes home for good in about a month, which I'm over the top excited for, but I hope I can fix this before he comes back. I don't want to have to be worrying about it.

All we have is the cash in our pockets, which is enough to get us by for a little, just without electricity or water.

Luckily, people are willing to spend more money on our old clothes because of cam and I's followings on social media ( mostly cam though cuz I'm an irrelevant piece of shit )

After about an hour, I've sold $350 worth of old clothes. Not much but not bad.  It's something.

I give it a break and check my twitter.

'Why does cam even like her. She's a fat whore. I just don't see what's so great about her, no offense' - top reply on my most recent tweet. How do you not take offense to something so offensive.

I roll my eyes.

I don't know why hate still affects me at all, but every comment just seems to be targeting the things I already hate about myself.  It's stupid, I know. But whatever, it's a lot easier to have strangers hate you.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and Logan runs to open it.

"Logan, who is it?" I ask. Normally I would freak out if she just opened the door without knowing who it was but right now I'm literally like ten feet away.

"Dinosaur!" Matt.

I move my laptop onto the table beside me and get up.

"Hey. I didn't know you were coming?" I say

"Oh I texted you? I left my camera charger here." He explains.

"Oh my phone is upstairs charging, I didn't see it."

"Why are all the lights off?" He questions.

"It's..a long story."

"Well I've got time cuz now I'm curious." He laughs. I explain everything to him.

"Wow.. you know you guys don't have to stay here in the dark, you could crash at my place if you want," he offers

"Thanks but it's fine, cam is coming back in a couple weeks anyways and I just want to get this sorted out as best I can" I answer, "probably get some sort of part time job, at least until cam comes home and I guess we'll figure it from there"

"You sure?" He says, giving me an opportunity to change my mind.

"Yeah, I'm sure, thanks"

He grabs his charger and is about to leave when Logan clings to his leg.

"Matt! Don't leave. I want you to play with me." She exclaims.

"Logan, Matt probably has somewhere to be, let go him." I tell her.

"Have you met me? Why would I have plans." He laughs.

"Does that mean you'll stay and play with me?!" Logan happily asks.

"Sure, for a little while."

Matt is pretty much Logan's second dad by now. She loves him so much it's kind of insane. She's gotten really close with certain people. She love all the guys but you can easily tell she has favorites.

He stays for a little while, playing with Logan. Of course when he goes to leave, she has a meltdown.

"Logan come on. It's almost bedtime anyways." I say, but she continues to cling to him, sulking.

"No momma!"

"If you don't let go right now, Logan, then I'm going to unplug your tv for the night," I warn her.

"Mommy no fair," she pouts.



She immediately lets go of him and stomps up the stairs.

"Damn I don't think I've ever seen you yell at her, Amber." Matt says

"Yeah well I try to avoid it. I hate having to yell at her but she just doesn't listen sometimes."

About a month later

Cameron's point of view.

My plane lands. I'm so fucking happy to be back.

I immediately know something's wrong when I don't see Amber at the airport. She always comes.

I take an uber home, and try not to jump to conclusions.

I get back and see jack there with Logan, but Amber's still no where to be found.

Logan runs up to me, hugging my leg.

"Daddy you're home!" She says excitedly. I smile and pick her up.

"Hey princess," I say, kissing her cheek, "where's momma?" I ask her. She just shrugs. I look up jack for him to answer.

"I have no idea. I was watching Logan earlier but she said she was gonna get her over an hour ago, but she never did. So I came here to drop Logan off but she's not here... I assumed she went to the airport to see you " he explains.

I put Logan back down.

"It's getting late, baby girl, why don't you go upstairs and put your pjs on. I'll be up to tuck you in, in a minute." She nods and runs up the stairs.

"Something's wrong. She wouldn't forget about Logan." I say once she's out of hearing range.

I try calling her multiple times but nothing. Voicemail every time.

Something is seriously wrong.

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