Chapter 63

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Amber's point of view

"What do you mean you're pregnant, I thought-" cam starts but I cut him off.

"That i shouldn't get pregnant because it's extremely dangerous for both me and the baby, yeah you thought right."

"How do you know, did you take a test already?" He asks.

"Not yet but I'm late. I'm never late. I've only ever been late when I was pregnant. Cam what do i do?" I feel tears streaming down my face.

"Right now just calm down okay? We'll go to the store and pick up a couple tests. You still don't know that you are," he says.

"What are we supposed to do if I am pregnant?" I ask.

"Let's just find out if you are, first. We'll worry about the rest when the time comes, okay?" I nod my head before leaning into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around my waist.

Cam stays back with Logan while I go to the store and pick up the tests. He offered to go but I told him it's probably just easier if I go to make sure we get the right ones.

I get back home and immediately pee on all three sticks. I just needed to know already.

"Cam!" I call his name and tell him to come downstairs.

"Hey did you get them?" He asks

"Yeah," I sigh, placing all three tests on a paper towel on the counter, "now we wait.." 

"How long does it usually take?" He asks.

"Three minutes."

Three minutes have never felt so long in my life.

I pace around the room impatiently waiting for the timer to go off.

Cam grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug to keep me from pacing.

"No matter what those tests say," can starts,"everything will be fine,"

The timer finally goes off and I look at the tests.




"What does that mean?" Cam asks.

"It means I'm probably not pregnant but we should still go to the doctor and make sure." I can't help but smile at the idea that I'm not pregnant. Of course I would love to have another baby but knowing that I'm not supposed to terrified me.

I make a doctors appointment for the next day.

I barely slept that night, up all night thinking about the possibilities and the what ifs.

Thankfully I didn't get sick that morning, maybe it was just too early or maybe I'm not pregnant. I guess we find that out today.

The doctor did an ultrasound informing us that I am, definitely pregnant.

"Don't worry, the baby seems to be perfectly healthy," he says and I immediately feel confused. The baby is healthy? I ask him about that, telling him what my previous doctor told me about how dangerous it was.

"Well I'm not sure who told you that. Looking at this everything seems to be perfectly fine, though I can run some tests if you like?" He offers and I politely agree.

The tests seem to take hours before the results come back.

"Could everything actually be okay?" I ask cam while the doctor is gone, "could this baby actually have a chance?" I place my hand on my stomach.

Cam looks at me like he's about to answer but before he can, the doctor comes back in.

"Well Ms. Greene according to these results you seem to be fine and perfectly capable of reproducing without issue." He says. I force myself to thank him but I'm so shocked I can barely get the words out.

Everything is okay.

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