Chapter 13

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Ambers pov. 

I wait for Logan to fall back asleep before I start talking.

"It's cam. He's literally mad that I got upset that he was never around! And all he ever does is work! It's all he cares about now! He couldn't even make time for us the entire time we've been here!" I exclaim.

"It's like he doesn't even care. He's always working for that stupid movie!
I've barely seen him and Logan has seen him even less! He leaves before we wake up and comes back after Logan is already asleep! She was so excited to spend time with her dad and only gets to see him that one time, right when we got here. That's not fair to me or her. He's just putting his job before everything else like he doesn't even care about us!"

I feel tears burn in my eyes as I fail to blink them away.

"And when I said he didn't even show up for magcon, he just says he can't "blow off his job for some meet and greet." Is that really all magcon is to him? Just some meet and greet? I thought magcon meant a lot more to all of us."

"It does! Magcon isn't just another meet and greet! It means a lot more to us. All of us." Matt explains

"Apparently not to Cameron. Without magcon, he never would've met Logan, we never would've gotten back together. Him and Logan wouldn't even know each other existed. Do we really mean that little to him? And without magcon none of us would know each other or have the fan base any of us have! Does all that really not mean anything to him?" I cry.

I feel Matt wrap his arm around my shoulder, Taylor was already asleep when I got here.

"You know that's not true Amber. Cam loves both you and Logan more than anything. I don't know why he would say something like that but I'm sure he didn't mean it. He cares so much about you guys." He says

"I don't know what to do, cam and I have never fought like this before" I cry.

"I know how excited you were to see him, and I'm sorry that you didn't get to, but we all know how much cam loves you. I don't know if any of the other guys told you this but before you came to magcon, when we were all still like freshmen in high school, cam always talked about this girl that he loved so much, and of course being like 15 year olds we all made jokes and laughed about it.  He talked about how he loved seeing her smile and hearing her laugh. About how she was the most beautiful, funny, amazing girl he'd ever met. And how he missed her more than any of us thought possible. That girl was you Amber. Even before you came here he loved you so much, and still does. I don't know why he said those things but I do know that he didn't mean any of it."

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

"Well he could've at least tried to make time for us, it feels like he has no time for even his own family anymore."  I say quietly, looking down at my lap.

"I know. I'm sorry" I feel him wrap his arms around me, in a hug. " but I think you should go talk to him. You can leave Logan here while you do." He offers.

"Okay, thanks Matt.."I say getting up and walking back to cam's room.

I lightly knock on the door and hope he's still awake, considering its past mid night. Luckily he opens the door.

"Hey" he says quietly


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