Chapter 48

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Ambers point of view

When I finish, Logan was playing with Hailee in the living room.

"C'mon baby girl we need to take Hailee for a walk now" I say, smiling as she jumps up with excitement. I honestly don't know why she gets so excited about walking the dog but I love that she does.

Letting her help hold onto the leash,we walk around the block.

"Momma can we get ice cream?" She asks as we pass a little ice cream shop.

"Not right now, Logan. It's too early for ice cream" I answer.

Of course she starts whining and throws a fit about it.

"Logan stop whining right now."

"You're mean. I hate you mommy!" She screams, causing a scene.

"Okay Logan we're going to go home and you are going in time out because you're not listening now," I say quietly, since she cause a large group of people to now stop and stare.

"No!" She rips her hand out from mine.

"Logan if i have to call daddy I'm going to be really mad. C'mon I said it's time to go." I say sternly.

"I'm not going with you! I hate you momma!" She repeats.

"You have until I count to three before I call daddy and tell him that you're not listening." I warn.




"Momma don't call him!"

I'm about to say three when she practically jumps on my arm.

We finally leave with her pouting the whole way back.

We get back and I put her in her room for ten minutes. She screams and tries to resist it but gives in when I threaten to make it longer.

I literally flop onto the couch, exhausted from trying to get Logan to listen.

I hear my phone go off so I grab it from the coffee table in front of me, shocked to see a text from Jack.

'I know you hate me. I don't blame you. I'm sorry but can we please work this out?'

I simply reply with 'I don't know' not because I'm trying to be cruel or I don't want to fix things with him, but because I truly don't know if things will ever be completely fixed.

I want them to. Believe or not, I really do miss having him as my friend. I know I walk around acting like I can't stand him but really... I do miss him.

'I guess I'm willing to try...' I reply.

We decide that he should just come over to talk since I can't really do anything with Logan.

He comes over later that day around four o'clock.

I answer the door and see him standing there.

The last time he was there...

No. He's here to fix things.

I force the thought out of my head.

"Hey.. Um.. you can come in," I say. The awkwardness could kill a bitch. I quickly realized that I don't even know how to talk to him anymore, we've avoided each other for so long.

We sit down on the couch staying in silence. What am i supposed to say?

"Did we really forget how to talk to each other? Why is it so awkward..?" I mutter.

"Because last time I was here I was an ass."

I don't respond when Logan comes running down the stairs. Her eyes light up when she sees Jack and sprints over to him.


**When I don't know why anybody reads my shit because I update like twice a year and u guys wait for these shitty chapters even though I love you and you all deserve so much more but I'm just a fucking little cunt **

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