{ 66 } Meet Baby Alec

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P. E. N. I.   S
E. J. U. N. O
A. E. C. T. U
N. C. L. O. P
U. T. E
T        O
S        T

Idk man. Don't ask. I promise im not on drugs.


okay well now that you're reading-
I think im gonna write this story differently from now on. Up until now the story has been pretty day to day and i want to change that. So there are going to be major time skips between chapters and they will almost be like one shots kind of but they would be chronological and would always relate to the characters and storyline. Or would you guys absolutely hate that? This chapter is kinda my test run for it.
Amber's point of view

I never thought this would be my life. I don't know why i even deserve such a perfect family. Yesterday was Logan's birthday, she just turned seven. I can't believe how quickly my baby girl is growing up. It also has been a little over a year since she became a big sister. We named him Alec, short for Alexander, after Cam's middle name. Alexander Lukas Dallas was born on July 13, 2017, 7 lbs, 4 ounces. He has a dark black mop of hair and the most vibrant blue eyes anyone has ever seen.

Alec is very calm, for a baby really, he would only ever cry when he absolutely needed something, and within the first two months he was already sleeping through the night, unlike Logan who still crawls into Cam and I's bed every now and then.

He already has such a personality, even though he's hardly a year old. He loves music, especially. He could be crying and screaming at the top of his lungs, but the second you put on any song by Sleeping At Last, he is completely calm, as if nothing had been bothering him at all. 

He also loves Cam. I don't what it is about Cam specifically but he is almost always calm when being held by his dad.

Ever hear that saying that babies are like drunk adults? Well there is more truth to that than i realized.

Alec is adorably clumsy, he can only stand on his own for a few seconds before falling straight on his butt and giggling at himself. Even when someone is helping him stand or walk, he still manages to trip over his own two feet. Sometimes he will even just be sitting and he will fall over, planting his face in our carpet.

But he never cries when it happens, he usually just covers his mouth with his hands and giggles, before getting up and trying again.

That's another thing about Alec; he doesn't give up. He is so determined, every single time he falls over, he gets right back up again. He will try over and over and over again until he finally accomplishes whatever his goal was.

He is incredibly smart for being so young. He never ceases to amaze us all with his brilliance and determination. I can't wait to see what kind beautiful human being he grows up to be.

Pleaseee let me know what you think in the comments. Do you guys like this sort of style or should i just end the story here, its getting kind of long anyways... thank you guys so much

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