Chapter 14

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Ambers pov.

"Cam can we talk?" I say quietly.

"Of course. You can come in you know" he says, I walk in and sit on one of the beds, he sits next to me.

"I don't want to fight cam. We've never fought like that before, I don't want to start now.." I tell him.

"I know, me neither. And you were right, you guys came all the way here and I didn't even make any time to see you." He says "I've been such a jerk to you,"

"Cam it's fine. I mean it kinda felt like you didn't care but I know that's not true."

"I'm really sorry, I should've been here with you guys." He says .

"Cam you have a job, I should've realized that you would be working. It's my own fault for getting my hopes up.." I say quietly, looking down at my lap.

"It's not your fault I was a douche" he says "I love you guys so much and I acted like I didn't care. You do know how much I care right?"

"Yeah" I smile "I know cam"

"I'm really sorry.."

"Yeah me too."

"I hope you know how much I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I smile as he brings our lips together.

That basically turns into an unplanned make out session.

Cam suddenly pulls away.

"Wait, where's Logan?" He asks, realizing she's not in the room.

"She's asleep in Matt's room down the hall." I say "speaking of that I should probably go get her soon"

"I'm sure Matt wouldn't mind watching her.." He says, pressing his lips back to mine. I laugh and pull away.

" we should at least ask him" I laugh.

I grab my phone and text him.

To Dinosaur- hey cam and I are fine but would you mind watching Logan for a little longer?

From dinosaur- sure😉

To dinosaur: shuttt up!!!

I turn my phone off and turn back to cam, reattaching our lips.

"I love you so much" I mumble against his lips.

" you. Too" he says, not breaking the kiss. As he deepens the kiss, I feel him pulling at the hem of my shirt.

You get the point

Cam lays down next to me, looking totally out of breath. I smile and lay my head on his chest.

"I've missed you so much" I say.

"Yeah. I've missed you too."

"I can't wait to be married to you.
i love you so much" he says, pulling me closer to him .

"I love you so much more" I smile.

"It's cute how you think that's possible" he says, smiling and I laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you babe" I say quietly

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