Chapter 12

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Amber's pov.

We eventually get back to the hotel and Logan is half asleep on my shoulder so I quickly change her out of her bathing suit and put her to bed. She's out in under a minute. Not very long after, cam finally comes back.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I say quietly, for some reason I sound like I'm sad.

"What's wrong" he asks, sitting next to me.

"Oh nothing I'm fine.." I answer "just tired"

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm sure cam"

"Okay, well I love you" he says

" I love you too" I smile. I quickly kiss him before laying down. Already half asleep, I feel him wrap his arm around my waist.

The next morning I wake up and.. Shocker.. Cam's gone. Honestly I kinda hate that I never get to see him, I don't even think he's going to magcon later today.. I sigh and get both Logan and I ready for magcon. I dress Logan in a black t-shirt with a unicorn on the front --because um unicorns are life-- and a pair of jeans. I grab a pair of leggings and a red, long sleeve crop top, with slits in the sleeves.

"Ready to go baby girl?" I ask as Logan grabs my hand we leave, meeting the guys in the lobby.

" hey guys" I say

"Hey" they all say in unison

"Okay seriously how do you guys do that?!" I exclaim and they all laugh.

"Oh and guys.. About yesterday. Please don't say anything to cam, he'll overreact and I know it.  And I'm not hurting myself, the scars that you guys saw are from a while ago, like from when I tried..." I look over at Logan and since I don't wanna say anything in front of her I form my hand into the shape of a gun and put it to my head so they get the picture. " I haven't even thought about doing anything since then"

"Okay but you would tell us if something was going on, right?" Jj asks.

"Of course. I love you guys and even though i probably shouldn't even trust you guys with a fork, I trust you guys with mine and Logan's lives" I tell them .

"But please don't say anything to Cam, I'm really not doing anything like that." I say.

"Okay" Shawn says " where even is cam anyway? Is he coming?"

"Nope" I sigh "he's working...again. He's been so busy I've barely seen him, and we leave tomorrow"

"It just sucks Logan has seen him even less than me and I only see him when he gets back from work at like 9" I explain " and of course Logan's already asleep by then. She's only seen him that first day we got here and that was only for a little while because it was already late"

"Wow no offense but I thought he'd be a little more excited to see you guys" Nash says.

"Yeah but he has to work. And me and Logan showing up for a couple days doesn't magically put the movie on pause so I guess I don't know what I was expecting" I shrug it off and we change the topic.

"Where's Bart? Did he already leave or something? " I state, noticing he's still not here and we've been waiting for a while now.

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