Chapter 2

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Erik's POV

Where in the world am I? It seems as though I'm in my home, but it looks so...old. Could it be my eyes playing a trick? Perhaps I'm dreaming? Then it dawned on me: I must be in the future world. My head hurts but my curiosity is peaked, and I need to go find out what happened. I must go through the remains of my opera house to figure out if I am dead or dreaming. The tunnels so far are very dirty and neglected, and I am afraid of what I will see when I get to my box. As I open the secret door, I am met with a well-kept, clean box, and a beautiful memory greets me. The opera house looks absolutely stunning, just as it did when it first opened. I cannot believe the sight before me, and I am just standing there in shock. Although it is night right now, I can't help but think people actually live and work here. Further exploration will be necessary, if I am to believe my eyes.

I exit the ballet dormitories thoroughly shocked, and find myself standing outside the prima donna room. Her dressing room the night I revealed myself to her. This is the only good memory I have of her adult form, and I will always treasure it. I am struggling to make my hand open the door, but finally get it to hold on and twist. The sight overwhelms me, and I am frozen. How is it that this room looks the exact same as it did all those years ago? Whatever happened to the fire? Surely the building was destroyed, or at least the part the foolish public knows about. I walk into the room and my heart hurts, but there is one thing I am curious about. I pull the hidden lever, and find that my secret passageway still exists and works perfectly. I hear voices and manage to step through the "door" before two men enter the room.

"Monsieur Bisset, I think this historic opera house is finally ready for our performers and workers! Can you believe how much popularity this place will gain? The infamous Opera Populaire, preparing for its first season after reconstruction. It is absolutely splendid!" I can't believe my ears.

"Yes, of course, we had the finest architects and historians in all of France working on it! I would expect nothing less. All I'm concerned about is making enough money to at least break even." Break even?! How could you not expect a full house with such a beautiful place?

"Ah, but my dear friend, we have plenty!"

"But I still wish to break even. I do not waste any money, you know that." These men must have great wealth, for any man who simply wishes to break even surely has far more expensive projects.

"True, but you do not need to worry, because we have a wonderful story on our side, who will most likely be the contributing factor in the wealth we will gain! Although he is just a character in a story, the Phantom of the Opera will bring in large crowds, and once we announce our first show they will likely order tickets the minute they're available on our website."

"Good point, Monsieur Perrot. I won't fuss anymore, it is now time for our first people to arrive."

With that, they exited the room.

How dare they speak of me in such a way? Only a means of monetary gain! They have no idea what I have been through, what sadness my heart has known. And a story?! My life is as real as theirs. How dare they doubt my existence?! I think I should make my presence known to them, perhaps resume the role I had back when I still had my Christine. Maybe I could find happiness in controlling this opera house, filling it with beautiful music, and finally having a purpose. Now, what shall I do to make myself known?

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