Chapter 22

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Evie's POV

Church was wonderful as usual. I always feel refreshed after mass, and it makes me excited for the next Sunday.

"So, what do you want to do? I was thinking we could go out to lunch, then walk the shops, then see all the beautiful scenery, and then who knows what?!" Well she's very excited! I love her enthusiasm.

"Sounds great to me!!"

We start walking and talking about life, but eventually she gets on the topic of my weird mood lately.

"I don't think I have a weird mood..."

"Well, you do. What is up? Are you actually a spy for the CIA? Have you been sneaking around with a secret guy?" Yes actually, I do have a 'secret guy.' Should I tell her or not? I don't really think Erik will like her knowing. Yeah I better not.

"Nope. I think I'm just getting swept into the craziness of all of this. I mean, I was the lead for Hannibal, and I had never been the lead of anything before! All that time I never called my family or sent them a single email or anything. I'm awful. And the worst part is that I see you less and less. So that's what's up I guess. And that's why I wanted to have this girls day." Even if it was Erik's idea, I really did want this day. It's been too long since we relaxed together. All of the things I told her are true beside the part about not having a secret man. But that's important to keep secret.

"Oh Evie I'm sorry! I feel the same. We need to take Sundays back, because I hate when I can't hang out with you!! I really want you to be lead again though, so maybe I'll just have to strangle that brat Ceelia."

"Yes, well, I am grateful for a little break. I don't know how you can work as much as you do! You still practiced and performed more than me, and I felt like I was a zombie most of the time!"

"And you had lessons! Now that I mention it, you've never really told me about them. Who is your teacher? Where do your lessons take place? Can you give me his number? I want to sing with the technique you have."

Oh boy.

"Well my teacher is very talented. He can play just about any instrument you put in front of him, he composes, he's a genius, and his voice is simply heavenly. I've never heard anyone sing like that before. I'm very grateful for him."

Luckily, we were right by an alley, because she pulled me into it and whispered to me, "You are taking lessons from the Phantom of the Opera?!?" Crap!

I tried to keep cool and laugh it off, "Are you serious? Why do you think that?"

"Seriously, do I have to explain it? Or will you admit I figured it out? It's not that difficult," a sense of wonder and curiosity filled her eyes, "what's he like Evie? Is he as handsome as the musical and movie portray him?" She wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

"Okay you need to be quiet! Yes, you've caught me! I am taking lessons from him! And he is even more handsome than anyone who has played him. Also, his voice is better than Ramin's!"

"No! Impossible."

"I thought so too, until I heard him sing! He's absolutely wonderful.

"Yes, he should be, based on the stories about him. But aren't you worried about your safety? The stories also describe him being a murderer with a bad temper!" She looks very worried about me, but I know he will never hurt me.

"Don't you worry about me! I'll be fine!! He is very professional as really cares about my future. He would not ruin it by hurting me."

"Alright, whatever you say. Hey, I heard the managers talking about bringing in the cops to search the catacombs and arrest him." No. This can't happen.

"Oh my gosh I have to warn him! We'll have to get out of here and start our lives over, perhaps change our names and stories."

"Hey don't worry! They weren't for sure about it. I'm sure they're too cheap to follow through with it."

"Yeah you're right."

"And isn't he some sort of illusionist? He could fool them into thinking he doesn't exist."

"Yes you're right. He is, after all, a genius."

"Could you tell me more about him? I'm curious about how he treats you, since I've never met him."

So for the rest of the day we walked around Paris talking about Erik, and eventually John.

Erik's POV:

I have finally finished making all of the preparations for Evie's visit. Luckily I have more than enough clothes for her...except they are from my true time. She will just have to get used to wearing those old dresses I guess. I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing her dressed as a proper woman should be. Well, a proper woman from the 1870s that is. They should match her skin tone and hair quite well.

I have enough supplies for a very long time, andfood can be bought any time we need. She just can't leave my home unless I'mwith her. I enjoyed seeing how excited she is to stay with me, and I feel theexact same way. Now that it's night, I need to prepare my staged capture ofEvie, so I head up to the stage area and begin to set the traps...

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