Chapter 21

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Evie's POV

OH. MY. GOSH. Two weeks have gone by since the night Erik and I essentially got engaged, and I've been too busy to tell my family how everything's going! I'm an awful daughter! Coincidentally, I'm with Erik at the moment I remember this. My sudden gasp and look of shock made him worry about me.

"What's the matter Evie? Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but I just remembered how awful I am!! I haven't been in contact with my family for like two weeks!!! Oh man they're going to be so angry!! They don't even know about you, how the performances have gone, or that I'm plotting John's proposal to Louise! Wow I need to tell them."

"Well my dear, I suppose you do. But you're not an awful person, you've been extremely busy. I don't even know how you're balancing everything so well. Would you like a pen and paper?" Awe he uses pen and paper! I can't say no to that.

"Yes please! I need to get started as soon as possible."

We are in his living room at the moment, so we don't have to walk far to get the supplies I need. He grabs my hand and we walk to the library, because that's where his office area is.

I sit down and begin to write, but I am having trouble deciding how to tell them about Erik. 'Oh yes mom and dad, Hannibal is great. Being the lead is amazing. Louise is doing well, and she may be engaged to John soon! Also, I'm basically engaged to the Phantom of the Opera! Yay happy times!'

Yeah, not a good idea.

"Erik, how do I explain you to them? I don't even understand how you are here, let alone them. What should I say?"

"Good question. Can you avoid that in the beginning of your letter so I can think for a bit?"

"Yes that would be great. Believe me I have a lot to tell them."

I write about Louise and John, me being Prima Donna, Bella and how much she's grown, Charles LeFuay trying to get me to go out with him, and random everyday tidbits I think of.

"I can't really think of anything at the moment Evie. Maybe just keep me out of the letter until we can think of something."

"But I can't! You're the best part of my life, I can't keep you out! I'll think of something. Maybe you and I met in church, and later we find out we both live and work here. That could be good!"

"Yes perhaps that could work. As long as you don't tell them how I'm from the past and here somehow, because that would be too confusing, and it could mean bad things for you. I don't even think you should try to explain it to Louise, but perhaps she's different. Have you mentioned me at all to her?"

"No, but she can tell something's up with me. She keeps trying to guess and it's actually very funny what she thinks is going on." Sorry Louise, but Charles LeFuay and I will never be a thing.

"That's good then. I don't want people thinking you're crazy, but I don't want to be in the public eye either."

"Yes, true. So, I think the church thing would be good. They would really like that. Crazier things have happened, I mean look at our real situation." We both laugh, and I just love the look on his face when he does this. I think I'm making him very happy, and that's all I want. I know for a fact he's making me very happy.

"Okay so we'll go with that. I'll make sure to tell them how wonderful you are."

"Don't forget about your nightly dazzling performances in Hannibal, my sweet."

I blush and give him a shy smile. We are very good at reading each other's minds now, so he knows I'm saying thank you.

In my letter, I make sure to emphasize how in love with him I am, and how we are probably going to get engaged soon as well. Once I finish, we walk to my upstairs room together, and since its time for me to sleep he bids me goodnight. I hate this part. It kills me every time.

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