Chapter 31

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Evie's POV

The next morning, I wake up in my own room, and am very confused. Didn't I fall asleep in Erik's bed? Yes, I think I did. I remember smelling his cologne on the bed before passing out from being so exhausted.

I sit up and try to remember him carrying me up here, but I was out the whole night. I look around my room for any kind of note, but I come up empty. What the hell is his problem? He was so loving last night, and I would like to think that was his real personality shining through; but if that were the case I would still be there, or at least have a note.

It's about an hour before rehearsals are to begin, so I decide to get ready and head down there. I have no idea if these people are expecting me or not, but that's not really my problem.

When I arrive at rehearsals, I'm a couple of minutes late, so I have to sneak in the back. I walk in during a moment of thunderous applause and try to figure out what is going on. Instead of sitting next to Louise, I sit way in the back so nobody sees me.

The managers and a few other important people are on stage with a person I've never seen before. She looked oddly familiar, but it's probably just my eyes teasing me. After all, I am sitting far away from the stage.

Monsieur Perrot speaks, "Alright ladies and gentlemen, now that we're ready to begin our very first rehearsal day for Phantom, we would like to introduce our new leading soprano. She developed quite a career in France the past few years and is somewhat of an opera star. Please welcome our new Christine Daaé, Angelique DeChagny!" The cast went crazy with applause.

My world started spinning. I know exactly who she is. Why didn't I realize this before they even said her name?

"Yes, she is a direct descendant of the infamous Christine Daaé, and believe us, she has an angelic voice much like her relative. Would you delight us with your rendition of Think of Me, Miss DeChagny?" Damn you Monsieur Bisset! You just had to ask her to sing. I know for a fact that Erik is watching. I can't bear to listen to this, so I run out of the auditorium as quickly and quietly as I can. I find myself collapsing onto the grand staircase and begin crying silently.

What kind of effect will this have on Erik? Wait wait wait, is that why he brought me up here? Maybe he knew she was coming and decided to ditch me for someone better. I can't think about this right now. I need to get out of here, but where do I go? I'm not going to the cemetery again, that's for sure. Honestly, I want to go home. I am sick of everything. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

Maybe I could just run away with a horse. Yes, I could live in a small cottage in the French countryside until my parents send me a ticket to come back home. That sounds wonderful!

I jump when I hear someone open the front doors. I get up and sprint toward them when I see who entered.

"Evie are you alright?! I got a ticket as soon as I could, but my sister needed help still." I don't respond immediately, because I' too busy squeezing him as hard as I can. He squeezes me back, and I think about how much easier our lives were when we were children.

"Yes I'm fine," I say after a good minute, "But I have some terrible news. Can I tell you about it at lunch? I don't want anyone listening in." I give him a look and he automatically knows who I'm talking about.

"Let's go." We hold hands as we walk, because it's just something we've always done, including Louise. I make sure we're far enough away when I start to talk, "Okay so, you know how I disappeared? Well Mikhail found me in Erik's lair, and he found out I was never really in love with him. Then he tried to forcibly take me back up to the real world, and I hid from him, and Erik knocked him out. Then Erik and I made a significant step in our relationship, meaning I forgave him and told him I wanted to stay when he offered me the choice of leaving. I had very strong feelings for him when I fell asleep, but the next morning, which is actually this morning, I woke up in my room without even a note. I was angry about that, but I decided to go to rehearsals. This next part is the bad news, by the way. Okay so I sneak in a little late and find the managers introducing a replacement for me-"

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