Chapter 18

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Erik's POV

Well tonight went much better than I thought it would. She actually put my hand around her waist and set her head on my shoulder!! Then we stayed in that position for at least an hour. We were just so comfortable with each other. I am almost positive she returns the feelings I have for her, and that alone will keep me up for a while.

Today she will be performing in Hannibal, and I am anxious to hear and see her as Elissa. I am sure she will stun everyone, and there is no doubt in my mind she will surpass my expectations. I think about how she has improved with my guidance, and I know I'm the luckiest man alive. There will be a full house for the full run of the show, and the managers may want to consider adding another week after they hear her.

Of course, my thoughts drift back to how it felt as we held each other. It was wonderful. I just want her to be with me forever, and I want her to want it and not be forced into it. I will not be rude or forceful in any way, and will let our relationship blossom in its own time. Yes, Evie is the love of my life, and I will make it my priority to keep her safe and happy.

I think I want to show her my music tonight. She may finally be ready for it. I want to make it special however, so I'm thinking of recycling an old plan...

Evie's POV

This is it. The biggest day of my life.

I woke up early, and wasn't tired at all. Yes, I had been up late with Erik, and then thinking about that time with Erik, but how could I be tired on this glorious day? Yeah there's no way. I haven't been energetic either. I've just kind of been...thoughtful. At least that's the best word to describe it. No nerves have hit me yet, and I hope it stays that way because my nerves make me mess up big time.

We went through the performance today, but obviously not to its full splendor so we don't get injured or lose our voices. It has been chaos since then, but now I'm in my room, and Louise is finishing her makeup. She styles her hair and applies her makeup so fast, and she always does mine after. Let's just say we've been in a lot of plays together.

"So, what do you think John has been up to lately? He keeps ducking out of everything, and being secretive and very busy! I don't understand!"

"Louise calm down! He obviously wants to do something nice for you, and he can't tell you because of that. Come on, we've known him since we were in elementary school. He would never ever do anything to hurt you. Now, how about we get started on my unruly hair?" I hope she calms down. I can't tell her what is actually going on, but maybe she will infer it.

"Okay, thanks Evie. I really needed that. And your hair is not unruly, it is simply very thick and very long, and it hates obeying me. But that will not be the case this time! It has to be perfect!" She starts combing it out and separating it into sections. I love when anyone plays with my hair. I could literally sit here all day if someone would play with it for that long. I'm very relaxed at this point, and of course my mind wanders to Erik. I really want to tell Louise about how wonderful he is, but I'm not sure I should. I'm nervous he won't appreciate me telling her. I take a second to try to sense his presence, and of course I feel it. Of course he wants to be making sure I'm okay, and not freaking out. He's just perfect.

"Evie, I'm going to start doing your eye makeup, so beware."

Good thing she warned me because I probably would have moved and got a mascara brush shoved in my eye.



"Do you remember when we were young and we danced around my house, dreaming of this day?"

Those are some great memories. I'm glad she brought them up.

"Well how could I forget my favorite memories with you? Those were the good old days. Thank you for mentioning them."

"I still can't believe this is happening. We're making our big debuts in the Opera Populaire, we are in Hannibal, AND we have our dream roles in the show! You're the Prima Donna, and I'm the Prima Ballerina!! The only thing that could make this absolutely perfect is if the Phantom takes you through your mirror." She laughed and I let out a fake little laugh, because I have been secretly hoping it will happen tonight.

"Yes that would be perfect."

"I miss sharing a room with you, even though it's only been a few days. At least I have Bella, but what about you?"

"I have lessons that last late into the night, and when I return I collapse on my bed and fall asleep. My lessons are wonderful, Louise."

"Speaking of that, who is your teacher? You never really talked about that to me."


Luckily, someone barged in to tell us we have ten minutes to get down to the backstage area.

"I'll tell you later," I finally look at myself in the mirror and am amazed, "OH MY GOSH LOUISE!!!"

"What!?!?" I think I scared her.

"You did an amazing job with my hair and makeup!! How in the heck did you pull this off?!"

"You gotta be good!" There's her catchphrase.

"Thank you so much!!" We hug each other tightly, and right before she leaves we wish each other good luck.

I'm alone in my room, and I see Erik snuck a rose on my vanity. I smile as I pick it up and play with the ribbon a bit. Then it hits me. A wave of awful nerves. I haven't had any time to think about how big this night is, and I finally realize what is about to happen. I hurry up and get my costume on, then run to the small chapel where Christine Daaé used to have lessons with her angel of music, my Erik.

I get there and collapse on the floor, breathing hard. Of course Erik is there right after I shut the door, and he's holding me.


Now I'm starting to gasp for air, and I curl into his arms like a child. We sit there for a couple of minutes, him stroking my hair and me trying to breathe normally. Eventually I calm down.

"Thank you."

We stand up, and he's still holding me, much to my delight.

"You need to get backstage, Evie. If you get nerves again, just remember I am watching and supporting you."

"Thank you Erik. I'm sorry about this, it just hit me for the first time how big this is!"

He stares at me for a few seconds.

"You look stunning." I blush madly, of course.

"Oh, thank you. It was Louise."

"No, it's you. Now, hurry up and get backstage or you'll start a panic."

I squeeze his hand and sprint backstage. Luckily I don't have heels on, rather my pointe shoes, which I've basically lived my life in for the past few years.

I get backstage in less than a minute, and right away people are fitting my mic and making sure my makeup and hair are still okay.

Then, the overture starts, and I immediately amin character. Here goes nothing...

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