Chapter 11

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Evie's POV

Louise pushes me harder than I've ever worked before, but I love every second of it. We've worked on it for one day, and I already have the choreography down, I just need to perfect it. Hopefully I can do that in the next six days, because my life could depend on it.

"Okay I think we need to be done for the day. Great work, I'm so freaking proud of you! You've accomplished so much in the first day! All of our time will be spent on perfecting it, but that's not too difficult. I have some business to attend to, but I'll see you when I get back to the room." We hug, and go our separate ways.

When I reach the room, I plop down on my bed. Boy am I tired. I really need to sleep, but I need to take care of Bella first. Once she hears me pouring her food, she runs over and starts eating. I pet her for a second as she eats because she's just too sweet. I then walk over to my vanity and find a note on it. It reads:

Dear Evelyn,

I see you've accepted your new corps de ballet part, which was a very smart move on your part. You are more talented than you think, but keep working to perfect your skills. I will be watching the performance from box five, so make sure you shine as I know you will.

Your Friend,


I am frozen in place. I just got a note from the infamous Phantom of the Opera, and I can't believe my eyes. I don't think I'll be able to move from this position ever, and I don't really know what to do. I've been obsessed with his story since I was very young, and I have always wished he could be in my life. Now I know he is still alive, and I just received a note from him. Holy cow. What will he think of my performance? Will he be pleased? This is just more inspiration to work harder. I need to be perfect for him, and maybe he will start to get closer to me, and maybe we will become friends! That would make me the happiest person alive!!


A vase falls from the bookcase, and I am scared out of my socks. I look over and see Bella chasing a small gray mouse, and I immediately jump onto my vanity bench and hope she catches it. What I didn't realize is that my door is cracked open, and next thing I know, she darts out of my room after the mouse. This is after midnight, mind you, and I really don't want to chase my cat around the halls of the Phantom's opera house at this time. But, I have to do it for the safety of my little baby girl, so I sprint to find her. As fate would have it, we end up in box five, where Bella has the stupid mouse cornered. The mouse finds a hole and escapes, but I grab Bella before she can try to get it. "Really Bella, we should not be out this late, especially in this box! You don't realize where we are, but we must leave immediately! Good girl for chasing that mouse, but you must never leave my room, do you understand?" She just looks up at me with her head tilted, as if saying, 'what are you saying? I don't understand human talk.' She's too cute to be mad at for long. I look out at the theater below me and find out why the Phantom demands this particular box. It has the perfect view, and I almost envy him. "Wow, this is the best seat in the house! Look at that Bella!"

A deep voice from behind me says, "Why yes, it is. I pride myself on this view. You can see why I require it."

Bella falls out of my shocked arms and I slowly turn around to find the man from my thoughts and dreams sitting in a chair behind me, looking pretty relaxed.

"I am SO sorry Monsieur, please excuse myself and my kitten for disturbing you. She is the reason I am up here, and I would not have intruded if she would have stayed in my room." I have been staring straight into his eyes, because they are glowing in the dimly lit theater, and it makes me not want to look away. Bella jumps on his lap, and rubs her head against his hand. I can see he is a little surprised, but he begins to stroke her, and says, "That is quite alright, she's simply following her instincts. I am not angry with you. She is a beautiful kitten, and I have only seen one in my life that matches her beauty. She is very affectionate as well."

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