Chapter 23

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Evie's POV

Last night was just too fun, and I ended up spending the night in Louise's room. We talked for hours about our loves while we were out on the town, but once we got close to home we immediately changed the subject.

I wake up to something crashing and Louise apologizing profusely for it.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up! I was trying to get my things ready for today, and I knocked my brush off the vanity and it landed right in the metal trash can!" I was laughing as she described what happened.

"It's okay really! I need to be up anyways. It's going to be a long day and I don't want to be unprepared for it."

"You're right. I'm sure our 'countess' will harass you, and I'll be there to punch her the first time she says a single bad thing about you."

"Thanks Louise! I can always count on you. Luckily I'm not affected by her words much."

"Very true. Now how about you get dressed, since we're up so early we can go out for breakfast!"

"YAAASS. Okay I'll hurry. Let's get waffles and crepes!!"


After a fun and delicious breakfast, we came back to the opera house right when the meeting was supposed to start. We jogged to the auditorium and found only a few other people missing, luckily for us we weren't the only late people. We were giggling and whispering insults about Ceelia to each other when the managers finally started introducing the cast by the names of their roles. I was called up right before Giovanni and Ceelia, but I had John right next to me so it wasn't that bad.

"Geez how did we end up here? Neither of them can sing or act, and we got fantastic reviews. Why did they need to bring them back when we were so successful?"

"Good question. I have a theory it's because they want to defy the Phantom, and I don't think they realize what they're doing. Those two shouldn't be the leads anywhere, just watch the ticket sales prove it." We both accidentally laugh a little too loud.

"Hey you two! Be quiet! The star is approaching the stage!!" Man she's rude. I'm sick of her. I want to respond sarcastically, but I'm not going to sink down to her level. I look over to Louise and see she's fuming, and ready to pop Ceelia in the face. I kind of want her to, but I'm not going to admit that. Instead, I stand quietly and pretend to be interested in what the managers are saying.

"Our leading lady is back with us for the performance of Il Muto, and we are very excited to have her on the stage again!"

"Yes, yes as am I. We are all going to do much better than the Hannibal run, won't we!"

UHM. How can you do better than sold-out shows for each performance AND an extra week added, which sold out after two days? This woman is too arrogant.

"Hopefully we will Madame!" I can see the dollar signs in their eyes.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, let us start rehearsals! We will start with the final scene, since we have everybody here."

And everyone scattered. I am the only one who will not be on the stage, and this may or may not have been a little jab at me by the managers. I get bored really fast, so I start looking around at all of the beautiful props and scenery backstage. I find a scenery of the French countryside, and it is breathtaking.

Next thing I know, a dark figure falls out of the sky, but I'm prepared because I happened to get a glimpse of his mask before he jumped. I smile at him but keep quiet.

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