Chapter 27

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Evie's POV

That "date" was incredibly awkward, and I'm not sure he enjoyed himself so much either. I felt like I was wearing a mask the whole time, much like my Erik. Funny how that works.

I'm walking to the auditorium for rehearsal when I bump into the yelling managers I was attempting to avoid.

"Excuse me, I am terribly sorry Evie. We are trying to figure out what is going on in this opera house! We have a note from the ghost who apparently runs this place, demanding we do a risqué show from the 1800s. What kind of joke is this? We aren't going to follow his demands any more, what can he do? He's not real!!"

They are so wrong! The real question is what can't he do? I haven't seen him in such a long time, he could've reverted back to his phantom ways! Darn it this plan is annoying! Then I remember I was taken by the "ghost" and need to act like I'm very offended.

"Excuse me? Are you calling me a liar? I can't believe you are saying this! He could kill me and anyone else who gets in his way! I wouldn't dare disobey him, you better hope he doesn't hear you speaking of it now!" Then, I run to my room and slam the door. Once I get inside I slump down into a chair and massage my head. "Those damn idiots."

I assume they'll be at my door soon to try and talk some sense into me, most likely with Mikhail heading the group. I don't want to talk to anyone beside Louise, John, and especially Erik. These other people are driving me up a wall. Why can't they just follow his instructions? The sales and success would be beyond their imaginations.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Blurgh. Monsieur Perrot says, "Evelyn? Would you please open up? We need further explanation."

I guess I probably should. I walk slowly to the door and take a deep breath before opening it. "Please, come in."

I was wrong, only the two managers walk in. I am relieved they didn't involve anyone else.

Monsieur Perrot begins, "Evelyn, we are sorry if we offended you, but you must understand our frustration. We have been receiving notes from this ghost for months now, and he is interfering with our business. We haven't been able to handle things the way we want them, which is ridiculous. We know you had a terrible experience, but we need to regain some control. Before we came here, we thought of a brilliant plan to get control again, but we need you to help. Obviously the ghost has feelings for you, so you are they key to our success. Just listen before you get angry, will you?"

"I suppose I will listen, but that doesn't mean I will help you."

"Wonderful! So, Monsieur Bisset and I are planning a ball in one month's time, as you probably already know. However, we want to make it a masquerade ball to mock him a bit. Then, instead of doing his Don Juan, we-"

"WHAT? He wants you to put on Don Juan, and you are refusing to do this? Do you understand how stupid that is? I'm sorry that was rude, I'll ask in a different way. Do you understand how foolish you're being? The success from that opera would be immense! It was his life's work! And obviously it will be spectacular, considering he's over 150 years old!"

"You have a point, but we have something a little more...familiar to put on. We're thinking of doing your favorite show, from what we've gathered."

"WHAT?! You want to put on The Phantom of the Opera? No. Way. Don't you think that will put everyone in harm's way?" Although inside I am secretly screaming! CHRISTINE HAS BEEN MY DREAM ROLE SINCE I WAS A KID.

"We know that, Evelyn, but we will take every security measure possible to ensure the safety of the performers, especially yourself. Mikhail will be right next to you on the stage, and snipers will be ready. Will you please help us Evie?"

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