Chapter 20

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Evie's POV

Right when I grab his hand, The Phantom of the Opera starts playing all around me. I can't believe this. I'm in heaven! Throughout the whole journey to his house we finish the song, and yes, I did kill that E6!!

Now I'm sitting in the boat and he's on shore, just like in the movie. He dramatically swishes his cape and starts singing the little part before Music of the Night. His voice is the most powerful yet gentle one I've ever heard, and just like his style and story, it is hauntingly beautiful. Yes, I admit he's more perfect than Ramin.

Then, I hear the first chords of Music of the Night. I have no idea where the orchestral music is coming from, but I'm overwhelmed with wonder and joy as he sings for me.

"Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation..."

After that first part, he helps me out of the boat, and leads me by my hand to his music room. Of course my arm feels like it's been stuck in a wall socket, and his probably does too. The air is charged with that same electricity.

"Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendor..."

We are now in the music room, and I can see he's been busy writing many new pieces of music. I happen to look over at the door, right when he sings, "Turn your face away from the garish light of day..."

He turns my face away from him, then slowly toward him, and I know he'll be following the same choreography from the movie from here on out. Our eyes have been locked almost the entire time, and I never want to look away from him.

"Close your eyes, let our spirit start to soar!"

Oh my gosh his voice is heavenly. I can't help but gasp, and I am getting mad butterflies in my belly. What is this feeling? I'm starting to think I'm more smitten with him than I thought...

"The darkness of the music of the night..."

I'm suddenly very afraid of how powerful my feelings are, and I rethink being with him so soon. Am I emotionally ready? I'm scared-

"Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world!"

Yes, Erik, I will follow you anywhere! Just say the word and I'll be with you forever! Screw fear!

"Let your soul take you where you log to be!"

I think my feelings are getting a little too strong. Uh oh, he's moving closer to me! How am I supposed to contain myself now?

"Only then can you belong to me."

My eyes light up, and my stomach feels like there's 1,000 butterflies fluttering about inside of it. We are impossibly close to kissing, and just when I'm about to close that wretched gap, he turns me around so my back is against him. He places one of my hands on my stomach and one on my hip, then puts his hands on mine. What happens next is too much for me. Just like in the movie and musical, he slowly brings my hands up my body and I explode with feelings. I know exactly what I want now.

"Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation."

I trust you with my life, and you bet I'm savoring each sensation, which currently feels like fire everywhere.

"Let the dream begin! Let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write! The power of the music of the night!"

This time he shows me to the piano and sits down next to me on the bench. He holds my cheek with one of his hands and holds my hand with the other.

"You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night."

We are locked in a powerful stare. I don't want to look away, but at the same time I want to just kiss him, which means closing my eyes! Decisions, decisions...

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