Chapter 33

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Evie's POV

I try to keep out of everyone's business as much as possible, because the more I talk to my cast-mates, the more I feel him watching me in case I decide to take matters into my own hands.

I stay away from Angelique entirely, and I notice she's always in a dream state. I also know it is because of Erik. His voice is a drug to her, and when she is about to come off the high he sings to her. Personally, I don't think it's safe or healthy, but that doesn't matter to him or her. Although, maybe it would matter to her if she was in control of her own brain.

Maybe I should try to get him out of her head. Then she can be at least somewhat free. But how would I do that? Where would I even attempt talking to her without him knowing? Yeah I don't think that would work out so well for me. So I continue to angrily watch her from a distance all the time.

I have the blocking memorized for every scene after the first two days. I suppose when you love something as much as I love this musical, it is very easy to focus and learn the information quickly and whole-heartedly. It seems I'm always consumed in my (secret) role. Sure I am technically a corps member, but that's not what occupies my brain.

Then the thought pops into my head. I could try to visit the Phantom to see if I could get Erik to shine through again. It would not be that difficult, I would just have to lie a bit in order to get him to meet with me.

Yes, I think that's what I'll do tonight.

I skip out of practice early and head straight to my room. The pen and paper are already on my desk, so it takes me all of one minute to write the letter. He will certainly receive it in time, because I told him to meet me at midnight in the church where he gave me lessons. I finally am proud of myself for taking action to prevent this crime.

In the mean time I suppose I could practice my dancing a bit, just to make sure I have it memorized.

The time flies by, and before I know it I'm sitting in one of the old pews waiting for midnight to come. I remember how wonderful it felt to have him near me once, but now I'm always alert to make sure he won't hurt anyone. Damn the Phantom, I want my Erik back.

Then I hear the door open, which was intentional on his part, or else I wouldn't have heard anything. I am not sure what to do or say, so I wait a few seconds before speaking.

"Hello Evelyn." I did not turn around, even though he was behind me.

"Hello Opera Ghost."

"What can I do for you?" Now I turn and face him. Still no sign of Erik there.

"Well, I just wanted to know your opinion about something I've been considering for a while."

"And what would that be?" I can't tell if he's impatient, annoyed, or just wants me to leave.

I hesitate before saying the next part, "I was thinking about leaving the opera house and moving back to America."

He looked thoroughly shocked. Did I hit him over the head with my words? He seems to have dramatically changed. When our eyes finally meet again, I see my Erik. What the hell is going on?!

"What did you say? My head is pounding and I can't remember what you said." He looks very confused, and I can tell he's in pain.

"I mentioned the fact that I've been considering moving back to America for a while, and I wanted to know what you thought about that."

Then, I saw the saddest look in his eyes and face, and I thought I was going to start crying.

"Is this a serious consideration?"

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