Chapter 16

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Evie's POV:

Today has been another busy day, and I know tomorrow (and especially Thursday) will be worse. Luckily, I have Louise and John to keep me smiling through rehearsals. I know the whole cast has spread rumors about how I was casted, but my friends have helped me through it. I can tell Louise and John are becoming as close as they were back when we still lived at our parents' houses, but they're keeping it secret from everyone else. I always knew they would be perfect for each other!

Every chance I get, I think about Erik. I look forward to our lesson tonight, mostly because I get to talk to him and see him again. Last night, I realized I really do have the feelings for him that I wanted Christine to have back in their time. I have no intention of telling this to him, unless he gives me an obvious clue, because I will not be embarrassed and ruin our current situation.

I just can't help my feelings. Every time he looks at me, I want to just attack him and kiss him (that is, if I knew how to kiss.) His looks are so intense and full of emotions I can't quite interpret. I'm slowly learning how his mind works, but it will take years to figure out that complex work of art. So for now, I will simply have to rely on my own daydreams where he and I are a couple. Oh well.

"That will be all for you, Miss Garner. It is time for your voice lesson now." Thank goodness! I am so ready to go see Erik. I make my way off the stage and as I walk toward my new permanent room, the prima donna room, I run into John.

"Hey Evie!" He brings me into a bear hug.

"Hello John! How are you doing?"

"Very well, actually. Hey I have a question for you though." He looks around to see if anybody is listening then pulls me into a corner.

"What is it?" I'm really curious about his odd behavior.

"Okay so, I need to know what you think about this idea I have, but I can't let anyone else hear, and you can't tell anyone. Not even Louise can know this." He peeks out of the corner again to see if anyone is around.

"I won't tell a single soul. And you're fine because everyone is at practice anyways." He leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Okay so you know how Louise and I are together again, but I want to take our relationship to another level. Please don't think I'm crazy, but I was thinking about proposing to her. I need to know if you know anything about her feelings about that though. Has she mentioned it at all to you?"

I leaned in and whispered back, "Yes, do it! She thinks about you and the future she wants for you two all the time, believe me. She will say yes within two seconds!"

He looked very relieved. We stepped out of the corner, and he said, "You don't think it's too soon, do you? I mean I've only been here for a couple of days."

"No, now is perfect! I'm so happy!" I hugged him again. This is just too exciting! She talked about him all the time after we moved away, and she is just too ready for this next stage in their relationship.

"Okay, I'll talk to you again soon to plan everything out. Thank you for making my day 1,000 times better!"

'You're quite welcome! Now get back to rehearsals before they get too angry with you!"

He ran away laughing and I finished walking to my room with a huge grin on my face. I can't help but feel so elated!

Erik's POV:

What the hell were Evie and John doing in that corner?! I don't think they are...involved...are they? That will not be acceptable. It sure as hell seemed like it, from what I heard. I wish I could have listened to the part when they were whispering, that would make all these pieces fit together. My heart beats a bit faster, and I can feel my cheeks burning with the fire that is racing through my blood at the moment. How dare she betray me like that!

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