Chapter 34

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Evie's POV

I am actually not mad at him for last night. He took us both home (her first, which also made me happy) and left us alone for the rest of the night. I slept well, which hasn't happened in a while. So now at least I have a little bit of peace knowing he's going to make some good decisions.

I almost skip to Louise's room, and she is obviously happy to see me happy.

"Well hello Sunshine! Nice to see you so bubbly at this hour."

"Thank you, but I can't help it Louise. I have some splendid news. May I come in?"

"Of course! I just finished stretching and warming up. Come in and sit down!"

Once I was inside I started talking at about 100 miles an hour.

"Okay so, last night I kinda told Erik to meet me where we had our lessons a while back, and I told him I was thinking about leaving. That made the Phantom disappear and Erik came back to me. Well, kind of. Before, there was one personality in control, and the other was barely there in the background. I would say the Phantom had more control. But now, they are both there at the same time, which means Erik can start to fight him off! I had proof last night when I was fake sleeping and Angelique was actually sleeping. He fought in his head and decided to take us back and to give the managers more control until he gets things sorted out. I am so happy!"

"That's great news Evie! I can't believe you got through to him like that. I hope the managers make good decisions, and I hope your man does as well. Obviously he should choose you, and if he doesn't, he'll have an angry blonde ballerina there to beat him up."

We both laughed and realized we needed to get to rehearsals, so we got ready and made it there just in time.

"Alright," Monsieur Perrot began, "We have some liberating news. Our resident Phantom has decided to let us have full control over the rest of this production. How gracious of him. Anyway, we have decided to keep almost everything as is, except we are not sure which lady to cast as our lead. We will have to decide a little closer to opening night, so both of them are going to go through everything as if they're both leads, but in the end one of them will be the alternate. I mean, we definitely need one, considering how demanding the role of Christine Daaé is. Now, first we'll go over the Hannibal scene, so everyone take your places."

Everyone started moving when Monsieur Bisset yelled, "Wait everyone, we almost forgot to tell you that we're moving the opening gala up to next Friday. So do what you need to be prepared. We expect a perfect show. Thank You!"

Now everyone was frozen. I decided to speak for them, "What the hell?! Today is Tuesday, so the show went from being a little over three weeks away to a little over one week away! You can't do that with this show! You're asking for a disastrous performance! How dare you do this to Phantom!!"

"Miss Garner, I don't like your attitude. We're all professionals here, figure it out yourself."

Then, they turned away from me and walked away. I am so mad at this point. Whatever. I hope we give the best damn performance in the history of this show.

Of course I am already in pointe shoes for Hannibal, so I just walk onto the stage for the first run-through. Yes, this scene is almost finished. We just need to work on the extra parts, like when Carlotta is throwing a fit some ballerinas are supposed to be practicing. Just little flairs like that. During the first time, Angelique will be Christine, and then I will the second time. I'm not complaining. It's been my second dream to be in this ballet chorus.

Angelique hits every note perfectly but like I always think to myself, she has no real emotions. Maybe a couple here and there, but never anything complex. These songs are begging for emotion, and it seems impossible for me to sing them without it. Well, to each their own I guess.

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