Chapter 19

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Erik's POV

Evie was perfect. She hit every note with the perfect amount of volume and emotion, and I did not want her singing to end. I am immensely proud of her, and I know right then I need to get my plan into motion for tonight...

Evie's POV

Words can't describe how wonderful I feel right now. I sang my heart out, and I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. Louise was stellar, and I have not seen such a performance from her or the rest of the cast. We blew the audience away, and surprised ourselves with how well we can perform.

As I walk back to my room, about 1,000,000 people approach me and talk about how beautifully I sang.

One man in particular stuck out to me. He was very handsome, and was very polite when he addressed me.

"Mademoiselle Evelyn?"

"Yes, that's me!" I was a little annoyed, because I just want to get to a certain masked man at the moment.

"I have been to many operas in my life, but you, by far, are the most stunning woman I've ever experienced perform. Congratulations to you on this joyous occasion!"

"Thank you so much!! Your words are so kind! What is your name?"

"Well you deserve such praise. My name is Charles LeFuay."

"THE Charles LeFuay, son of James LeFuay, the man who basically owns all of Paris?!"

"At your service." He bowed a bit, and I curtsied.

"Nice to meet you! I am grateful for your words, you have an opinion I respect."

"Thank you. I have to be on my way, but I will be at more performances, so I hope to see you again. Until then, Evelyn." He kissed my hand, bowed again, then walked away. He is really classy, but I'm still a little stunned from his words. He is well-learned in the fine arts, history, literature, and anything along those lines, so it means a great deal coming from him. I snap out of it, and decide to find Louise to tell her how amazing she did.

I guess choosing the back way after a performance is not the best choice, because there's a huge party filled with drunk workers. I see people who worked on my costumes, helped with props, and even the guys who take care of the lights and the sets.

All of the sudden, I feel big hands pull me into a dark corner. His breath is disgusting, and he's at least six feet tall and a bit on the fatter side.

"You were great tonight." The alcohol on his breath is overpowering and I really feel like puking.

"Well thank you, but I must be on my way." I tried to push past him, but he grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall. Boy is he strong.

"No, I think you want to stay here for a bit and...keep me company. Yeah."

Oh hell no.

"No. I'm a little busy buddy, and after this, you'll be busy filling out hospital paperwork."

I proceed to kick him incredibly hard in his valuables, and he falls to the ground wheezing. I get in his face and say, "You will NEVER touch me like that again! You will never touch any woman like that! You better be thankful I didn't do any more damage bud!"

I turn around to see the whole party gaping at me.

"Anyone else want to try anything?"

They all went back to partying, and I continued on my way to find Louise.

Yeah I am sick of reading stories where the fair maiden always has to be rescued. I vowed that I would win if I were ever in a similar situation. I guess I can check that off my bucket list now.

I spot Louise over with the corps de ballet, and when she sees me she runs over and tackles me. We get up from the floor laughing hard, and embrace each other.

"Louise that was the most incredible performance I've ever seen from you!! Congratulations on being absolutely perfect!!"

"Oh but Evie, you were even more perfect! I didn't know you had that in you!! I was crying so hard during Think of Me that I had to quickly reapply foundation right after you finished!!"

"It feels so good to perform, doesn't it? And it's fulfilling to know we both did great!"

"Yes, that's so true. Hey, do you want to stay and stretch with us? We want to get ready for tomorrow. You can never be too stretched out you know!!"

"That's what I love about you guys. You're the most dedicated people I know! I can't stay though, I'm so exhausted. I am going to take a bubble bath and sleep for 16 hours. But thanks for the offer! Goodnight my favorite people!"

They all said goodnight and got back to stretching.

I snuck back to my room to avoid more conversation, and I found it filled to the brim with flowers. I was so stunned, and I just couldn't stop looking at all the beauty. Of course, there was a fresh red rose on my vanity with a black ribbon tied around it. The note next to it simply was signed OG, and I wonder if I will see him tonight or not.

I get changed into an outfit very similar to what Christine wore in the musical, and thought about the irony in that. Hopefully my phantom will come to me.

I'm taking the intricate tiara out of my hair when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come on in!!"

Charles LeFuay walks in the room looking incredibly nervous.

"Hello Monsieur LeFuay!! What can I do for you?"

"Please, call me Charles. I was wondering if you would possibly accompany me to supper? If you don't want to I understand."

"Thank you for the offer, Charles, but I simply can't tonight. It's been a busy past couple of days, and I haven't had much sleep. No matter how fun that would be, I plan on sleeping at least 16 hours tonight. I'm really very sorry!"

"Well that is a shame. Perhaps another time?"

"Perhaps. Thank you again! Have a good night, Charles."

"You as well Evie." And with that, he was gone.

My room has candles lit all over, simply because I prefer candle light over fake light because it puts less of a strain on my eyes. Also candles are beautiful and remind me of Erik.

I finally get the tiara out of my hair and put it in its box so it's ready for tomorrow's performance. Whatever magic Louise worked has turned into a smoky eye, and I look fierce. Man, if all of my crushes could see me now! My hair is so pretty too. I really want to see Erik at this point, but maybe I shouldn't because if he holds me as close as last night, I won't be able to help myself.

That's when a chill blasts through the air, and all of my candles blow out. It startles me at first, but then I realize it is definitely Erik, and he sings lyrics to a song I have known for a long time, "Insolent boy this slave of fashion, basking in your glory! Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor, sharing in my triumph!"

I could not believe my ears! He knows this song! He must have done research about the musical, because I know he didn't write these songs. His voice is so commanding and angry!

I sing back a little startled by his tone, "Angel I hear you speak, I listen. Stay by my side, guide me! Angel my soul was weak, forgive me. Enter at last, master!" He must be upset about Charles LeFuay. I could never have romantic feelings for anyone other than Erik, but I haven't admitted that to him yet.

"Flattering child you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror, I am there inside!"

That's when he revealed himself in the mirror.He really knows how to dazzle me! There was fog everywhere, and the lights madehim glow! I stepped forward and somehow the mirror opened, and his gloved handwas waiting for mine. I took it and our journey began...

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