Chapter 25

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Evie's POV:

Today has been absolutely exhausting. We were released early, because we finally got it perfect. This is the first time we've been released before dinner, and I already know what is going to happen. Mikhail makes his way over to me and asks me to eat with him, and I say yes, just like every other meal since yesterday. I like spending time with him, because he takes my mind off of missing Erik, and he's a very considerate person.

He tells me to dress up a bit, so I go to my closet and remove a pretty yellow dress I've been wanting to wear. I get ready in a flash and am out the door.

I don't really think of what we are doing as dating, because I'm in love with another man. Hopefully he doesn't develop romantic feelings for me, but I've had my suspicions before.

We've been eating and chatting for a while, and I really like how easy it is to talk with him. I don't feel like I'm acting differently to gain his friendship, it's all natural. I've only been able to do that with a handful of people.

After dinner he wants to take me on a walk by the Eiffel Tower, and I agree. He says the lights are beautiful in the evening, and the tower is breathtaking. When we get there, I understand why he says that. It is stunning!

"I knew you would like it. You seem to appreciate beauty."

"Yes, I do. Thank you for taking me to see this amazing sight!" I turn and give him a big hug. When we separate a little bit, he takes my head in his hands and studies my eyes. He has something on his mind, and I can tell it's weighing on him.

"I know we already talked about this, but I want you to know you will never have to be afraid of that ghost, or anything else for that matter, ever again. You are completely safe with me, I vow to you now that I am always going to take care of you and keep you safe and happy." This has a little too much feeling in it to be friendly, so I'm thinking my hunch was right.

"Mikhail, thank you. I needed to hear that." But was that a lie? Or maybe the truth. I'm not sure anymore.

"You mean the world to me, Evie." Yeah there it is.

Before I had the chance to respond, he was bringing my face closer to his, and my whole body was tingling. I'm not really sure what is happening, but I can't control myself. He is so protective and devoted to me, even if I've only known him for two days. His feelings for me are very deep, I can tell, and I don't want to hurt him by saying no.

Next thing I knew, we were kissing. And it felt right.

I was not disgraced with myself, as I thought I would be, rather I'm very content.

This is a very goodkiss, and I can feel every wonderful feeling he has for me. Hopefully I'mmaking him think the same thing. I'm supposed to be with him to convinceeveryone that I'm not with Erik, after all.
Our kiss ends, and Ifind myself smiling afterward. He gazes into my eyes for a minute, and I cansee his feelings were strengthened by that kiss.
Meanwhile I'm standinghere trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing.
We walk back hand inhand, but every once in a while he stops us to kiss me again. He's so cute! Ican't help but giggle each time we stop. Every time his muscular arms wraparound me; every time his big hands hold my waist; every time he smiles tobreak off the kiss, I find myself questioning my own feelings. Why am I havingsuch a hard time figuring out what I feel for a man I've known for a couple ofdays? I'm in love with Erik, not him, so why is this an issue? My brain must bemalfunctioning. I need to talk to Louise, but it's only Wednesday, and we won'thave any time to go anywhere until Sunday. Speaking about it in the opera houseis out of the question. I'll just have to think for myself until then.
We cross the street ontothe block of the Opera Populaire, and he stops us again. This time, I can seehe wants to have a longer kiss than the other ones, which I will gladly partakein. I've been waiting for him to stop us again, and I don't know why.
This kiss is drasticallydifferent than the other ones. It's slower, and has more...sensuality to it. Iam intoxicated by it. I have never been kissed like this. It is absolutelywonderful, and I refuse to break this kiss. His hands start to travel a bit,but not very far, because he is a respectful man. It's making me want more, butI will not give in to this temptation! I settle for letting his hands go alittle farther than originally planned, but eventually we have to stop, or elsethis could go somewhere we should not be going.
"Let me walk you toyour room, my beautiful Evie." I nod, and we walk to my room hand-in-hand.
He kisses my hand andbids me goodnight, then I collapse on the floor after closing my door. WHAT THEHELL DID I JUST GET INTO?!?!
You are practically engagedto Erik, and you go off with a guy you barely know!! To top it off, your kissesare frequent and heated!
I need to get my shittogether.
It's 10:30, and I needto talk to Louise.
I knock on her door, andof course she is up stretching before bed.
"Hello Ev-"
"Louise I need yourhelp!!" She looks confused, and a little worried.
"Okay then, comein." I grab her hand and pull her into the room.
"Grab a warmoutfit, we are heading out. I can't talk to you about this here."
"Alright Evie, areyou okay?"
"I'm not sure. Ineed to talk to you now though, so hurry up before I go insane!"
She rushes to get ready,and we are out the door in five minutes. Once we're a safe distance away, Ipull her aside and hug her. She hugs me back after a second of confusion.
"Evie, tell meeverything. What is going on?!"
"Okay, I'll tellyou everything you need to know. I met The Phantom of the Opera when Bellachased a mouse into box five, and since then we've fallen head over heels inlove with each other. He was furious when Ceelia was casted as the lead in IlMuto, and he wanted to keep good on his promise to kidnap someone, so he askedme. I agreed of course, wouldn't you? Our day together was wonderful, until wesaw Mikhail speaking with the managers about finding me and getting Erikarrested. Then Erik found a note in his box from the managers saying they agreeto cast me as the lead, as long as he returns me. He devised this plan to haveme stay in this world, while he stays in his and removes himself from the businessof the opera house for a while. We both hate it so much. Louise, I am in lovewith him. It gets complicated when you factor Mikhail into the equation though.He makes me feel safe and wanted, and I love it. I have been depressed sinceleaving Erik, and Mikhail is keeping me happy and feeling alive. I thought Iwas faking feelings for him, just so I could convince everyone that I'm notsleeping with the Phantom to get casted as lead, but now I think I have realfeelings for him. I'm torn! I know I love Erik, but I have these powerful,unexplained feelings for Mikhail as well! What the hell is going on withme?!" Louise holds me as I cry for a bit and tried to comfort me. When I'mokay again, she talks.
"I'm not sure whatis going on inside your head, but you could have feelings for Mikhail too.Let's think about this for a second, Erik is your first relationship, and youtwo are practically engaged! That's insane! And then sexy, polite, caringMikhail comes along, and you develop feelings for him too. It's no wonder! I amattracted to him, and I'm very much in love with John! Just give it some time,you will eventually realize which one you truly love. Just give yourself sometime. Until then, you should keep dating Mikhail until you can sort everythingout. Like you said, you need to prove that you are not working with thePhantom, even though you are. He will keep you safe, and I can tell he makesyou happy. Plus, your mind will be distracted from Erik until you can betogether again."
"You're right.Mikhail can be my distraction. Thank you Louise, I feel much better." Ifeel enlightened at the moment.
"You're welcome.Now let's get back, I'm freezing!"
We run back to ourrooms, and I fall asleep right after my head hits the pillow.


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