Chapter 24

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Evie's POV

I wake up on the couch with Erik, and the fire is completely out. I look over to the clock on the wall and see it's already 9:30. We need to be up and moving. I'm still tired and would rather fall back asleep, but we have things to do. I feel Erik move next to me, so I look at him and see he's waking up. I give him a kiss on the cheek and attempt to get up, but he holds me tighter. He's so warm and cuddly.

"Good morning love!"

"Good morning my dear Evie. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, the best I've ever slept. How about you?"

"Same for me. I actually slept a whole night, and I never do that. It is refreshing."

"I hate to get up, but we really have to get ready for today."

"You're right, but I don't want to get up either."

"I wish we didn't have to do this. I wish we could just be in love in public, and live happily ever after the end." He chuckled at this.

"Yes, that would be ideal. But I don't think it would work."

"Well, the option is always there. Just say the word."

"Alright, maybe one day. For now, let's eat breakfast. Are waffles with strawberries and whipped cream acceptable?"

"They're more than acceptable, in fact they sound delicious. Let's get cooking!!"

Breakfast was delicious, and we had very nice conversations. Most of the time I was thinking about how much I love him and his little mannerisms.

After we ate, I was doing the dishes as he was tidying up and putting things away. I don't mind doing these dishes, and he doesn't mind cleaning up either. I'm lost in my thoughts when I'm suddenly forcefully turned around and surprised attacked with a wonderful kiss. Once I realized what he was doing, I responded and it soon turned a little too passionate for the both of us. We broke apart, because we knew that if we kept it up I would never be leaving, so we settled for holding each other for a good while. This moment is how I imagine our life together; blissful and simply perfect. It's odd to think a month ago he was a fictional character to me, and now I could never live without him.

"I hate to say this, but we need to get moving. I'm thinking you should look like you've been crying, and maybe stayed up all night. Did you bring any facial paint?" I know what he's talking about, because he mentioned it before. He thinks that's the right name for makeup, and I will never correct him on that because it's too cute!

"Yes, I brought facial paint, because I didn't think you would have any." He knows I don't wear any, and he prefers that. We talked about it when he asked me why Ceelia looked different than all the other ladies when not on stage. She paints her skin on basically, and it looks really bad. He has only ever seen stage makeup like that.

"Great. Can you make yourself look like I said?"

"Yes, I just need to do it in the bathroom so I can use the mirror and water. Come with me so we can discuss what I'll be telling everyone." We held hands and walked to the bathroom. I like his decorating style. As I'm getting my 'facial paint' all set up and start working my magic, he informs me about what to say.

"You're not going to like it, but you must know you won't hurt my feelings when you say it. When they find you, you will be sleeping. They will most likely wake you up, and you must look terrified, then relieved that it's them. You start crying, and tell them you've seen horrible sights. The Phantom wants to make sure you're casted, and if you don't follow his instructions it will happen again. Make sure you emphasize that I am a ghost, not a person. If they ask what you saw, tell them you saw my face." I accidentally drop my mascara wand, and I'm very upset about what he just said.

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