Chapter 8

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Evie's POV

Boy am I glad to be learning with the ballet here! I am being worked harder than I ever have before, and the improvements I'm seeing are spectacular!! I am constantly sore, but I would gladly hurt ten times worse for how much better I've become. Madame Giry (I know, right?!) is our instructor, and she confirmed that she is a direct relation from the Madame Giry that worked here long ago. I could not believe that! How awesome! Needless to say, she lives up to the reputation of her ancestor, and I am the only one who is enthusiastic about practice every day. Every once in a while, Louise helps us with technique and choreography, and those days are fun as well. Life at the Opera Populaire is so wonderful, and my fantasies become stronger and stronger, and the whole phantom thing makes me curious beyond belief.

When I woke up this morning, I expected a rather normal day, you know like the ones I've had with the intense practices and such. But when the managers called a mandatory practice-interrupting meeting, I knew something was up. The girls in my ballet class and I walk to the auditorium and sit in the audience. We were the last group to arrive, so everyone is ready to finally learn why we're here and not practicing. A couple of minutes pass and we're still waiting. The tension is killing me! Monsieur Perrot is taking forever to read the note! I want to know who it was sent by and what it means. Even from a distance I can see that someone did an unbelievably perfect job at making the note look and feel as if it were from the Phantom. Ceelia is starting to throw a fit when Madame Giry snatches the note from the manager who is scared witless. She reads it and has a grave look on her face. "Everyone please pay attention, for I am going to read this note. Here it is:

My Dear Performers and Workers,

Congratulations on landing your roles, whatever they may be. I hope you all live up to the expectations I have for you, and believe me they are great. I want to welcome you to my opera house, and set some rules in place.

1) You will work together in a peaceful manner and be efficient at every practice to maximize output.

2) There will be no fits or tantrums from anyone you, including the leading lady.

3) You will not wander the opera house, or speak about me, unless you wish to die.

4) Obey these rules and any others I put in place, or you will surely regret it.

If you have not figured out my identity, I'm not sure you're fit to work here with such mental incapacities. Good luck to you all, and remember to obey these rules.



"WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW? WHO IS PLAYING THIS TRICK?!" Screamed a red-faced Monsieur Bisset. Apparently we were thinking the same thing. Ceelia was furious, so she stormed onto the stage and yelled, "What nonsense is this? I have never worked with such stupidity! This is ridiculous! Reveal your identity at once! Ceelia Cavallo will not be told what to do by any ghost or person pretending to be a man that existed 145 years ago!!!" Wow take a chill pill woman my ears are ringing!

That's when a chill came over the room and a loud laugh came from...everywhere. Everyone was frantically looking around trying to figure out where it was coming from, when a booming voice said, "You dare question the existence of the Opera Ghost? Did I not prove how wrong it is to go against me to those fools Andre and Firmin so many years ago? Madame Cavallo will shut her mouth, and you all will get to practice before a disaster occurs." And with that, the chill was gone, but we were all frozen in fear. I snapped out of it and realized OH MY GOSH THERE REALLY IS A PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, AND HE'S BACK IN HIS DOMAIN!!! I NEED TO MEET HIM!! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY-

"Mademoiselle Evie are you or are you notpart of the chorus? We are going over the opening scene for the performance!Get on the stage this instant!!" OH BOY. I didn't notice that everyone hadscattered to their places! I ran fast up to the stage and got ready for a longday of practice. I really can't stop thinking about the Phantom though, so I'mworried I won't be able to focus. Although, if I don't, I may not be around toattend another rehearsal, so I become determined to focus today.    

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