Chapter 12

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Erik's POV

I was right about this girl. She is very interesting, and I want to know even more about her. She likes to talk to me, and even wants to be friends. Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness. She also called me a genius...we shall see if she thinks the same when I show her my music. I'm a bit nervous that she will ask about the mask, but maybe she would have already, or she knows why I wear it and that I certainly don't want it to come off in front of her. Whatever the case, I'm glad she has not mentioned it yet.

I have finally made it to my lair, and I decide to figure out if she has vocal abilities or not. How could I trick her into singing for me? I really want her to sing Think of Me for the performances of Hannibal, but I'm not sure she can do it, and she would have to learn the rest of the show. I already made her learn the ballet a week before the performance, and it would be inconsiderate to make her learn Elissa's part in an even shorter time. It will all depend on her voice. After all, the show runs for two weeks, I could use her for the second one. I am sitting in my library thinking and drinking a glass of water, when I look up and see it is 5:00 am. Ceelia will sing at 9:00, so I think I'll start to plan the day when I'll bring Evie to my lair and show her my music. This must be elaborate, but not overwhelming, because she may think she knows the depth of my music, but in reality she may not like it or be able to handle it.

I know she knows my past, so I'm assuming she knows how I presented myself to Christine the first time. Her room is right next to the Prima Donna room, but Ceelia refuses to use that room, so I could make Evie move into that one. After Hannibal, I could come through the mirror and take her on that same path I took Christine down, but instead of trying to make her fall for me, I will have music prepared so she can see my true emotions and musical abilities. I will not include my opera that was barely performed and caused the worst night of my existence, but maybe one day she will hear it.

Oh, this day is going to be marvelous.

Evie's POV

I wake up to Louise shaking me violently at 8:00 in the morning, just five hours after I got back to the room after having a wonderful time with my new friend, Erik.

"Louise, seriously just give me another five hours. Please?"

"Absolutely not. You need to get ready for another day of hard work, or else you may pay dearly for not being prepared." Oh yeah, that reminds me. All of the sudden I'm awake and ready to start the day. After all, I promised Erik I would give him the performance of a lifetime, and I will not let the Phantom of the Opera down.

So, we eat breakfast and start practicing at about 8:45. Fifteen minutes later, a chorus member barges in and says, "Please excuse me, but the managers require everyone in the theater IMMEDIATELY. I apologize sincerely for interrupting, but I had no choice." And with that she darted out of the room, and I could hear her informing someone else.

"Man, I think we should stay here. They probably don't even need us in particular. Surely they wouldn't notice our absence. I think it would be better to work."

"Yes Evie, but what if they have another note from you-know-who?"

"Louise, we're not being haunted by Lord Voldemort." Yeah, I had to.

"Okay you got me there, but seriously we have to go." At least I got her to laugh.

We are the very last ones to get to the stage area, and everyone was clearly angry with us for making them wait.

"Took you long enough! Please take your seats mademoiselles." Monsieur Bisset is still in a grumpy mood, but I'm no longer shocked that he's never cheery.

"Alright let's get this show on the road. I have a long day ahead of me, and I don't want to waste any more time because of some underlings." Again with the underlings? Seriously? Why I oughta-

"Now ladies and gentlemen, we have called you out of your various rehearsals at the request of our leading lady, Ceelia Cavallo. She wishes for you to hear her rendition of the famous aria from Hannibal, titled Think of Me. Let's give her a round of applause!" The crowd gave a half-hearted cheer, and she gave us an annoyed look before beginning.

Her voice is very powerful, mostly because it is so loud. She has no dynamics, and every word is difficult to understand. I am cringing the whole time, because I've had this song memorized forever, and I know how beautiful it is supposed to be, and how awful she is singing it.

When she finishes, dead silence occurs. It takes a few seconds for an upset Giovanni to start the clapping, and even then the managers have to shoot daggers at us to make us clap louder. This is ridiculous, and it's very embarrassing to have the leading lady be the person with the least amount of talent out of the whole cast.

"Wonderful, Madame Cavallo, simply magnificent!" So that must be what I look like when I try to tell a lie! How can she not see past the fake smiles and fake happy voices?

"Okay everyone, back to your rehearsal groups! We must perfect the show before next Thursday!"

Oh my. The opening gala is Thursday, and it is already Saturday! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I have not perfected my technique yet, and I am still a little shaky about the moves. I know I need to ingrain them into my brain better, because nerves make me forget.

"Hey Evie, I know what you're thinking, and I want you to calm down. We'll get through this! Just follow me back to practice, and we'll keep forging onward!" What a great best friend. After all these years, we can basically read each other's' minds, and she knows exactly how to make me feel better.

We practiced until 10 at night (but we made sureto take bathroom and food breaks because we are two girls who can't livewithout food.) When I finally was able to lay in my bed, I covered myself upand felt Bella snuggle up next to me right before I passed out.

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