Chapter 35

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Evie's POV

I am going to be Christine Daae today.

I never thought I was going to say that, but here I am. Mostly because of Erik. I decide to leave him a thank you note by my mirror to let him know that I am about to give him the show of his life as a sign of gratitude. I even dedicated my performance to him, but only he and I know that.

Luckily I feel refreshed from my sleep and it stays with me. Maybe because I need to be focused on my role today, or maybe because I had great dreams about the show, but either way, I feel amazing and ready to be Miss Daae.

A good breakfast sets me up for a good day, so I meet Louise and we head to the kitchen. Thankfully, the managers supplied us for a morning-after breakfast buffet as a sign of gratitude for how well the show went last night.

"I am just starving! How did the managers know that?" We share a laugh and fix our plates.

"Well, are you ready to be Christine Daae tonight?"

Chills run through my body when I think about that.

"Yes, I can't wait! This day needs to rush by! I just want to be in the performance already!"

That's exactly what happened. Before I knew it, I was in my dressing room prepared to head backstage before the show. I stepped into the bathroom for a moment, and when I came back out I spotted a note on my vanity. It read:

Miss Daae,

I am looking forward to the show tonight. Based on the way you performed your chorus role, I know I will be blown away when you are the lead. Remember to breathe and feel her emotions. When you step on the stage, you are no longer Evie.

Your Angel of Music

Of course it is accompanied by a rose.

I almost start crying, but I rush out of the room and backstage before I ruin my makeup.

Before I know it, I am on the stage singing Think of Me.

Erik's POV

Evelyn is stunning. My plan for tonight will be perfect.

Evie's POV

Suddenly I've made it all the way to the part when I'm waiting backstage before Point of No Return. I love this song, and I have been looking forward to it all night. The staging is the same as the movie, but I actually prefer that one so I'm not complaining at all. This performance has been a rush, and it's been the best time of my life. I am glad that I'm here and I really don't want it to end. Oops, now is my cue!

I walk onstage and sing my line, then I wait for John to come on stage as he pretends to be Piangi.

He delivers his line flawlessly. It makes me fill with so many emotions, mostly surprise.

John has been replaced by Erik.

No matter how much I love him and his voice, I worry about John. I don't think Erik hurt him, but you never know.

Then, he starts into his part.

I can't help but be hypnotized by his melodic voice. Every note he sings is perfect, and it is still full of emotion. He is slowly getting closer and closer to me, and I am waiting for the part when he grabs my neck and waist. I am nervous, because we haven't talked or lovingly touched in a long time. Also, he's never really grabbed me like that before, so I'm not sure what to think about that. As he gets closer to me, I get tremendous butterflies in my stomach. They flutter faster and faster until he does it. I feel like my stomach had burst and all the butterflies were released. The fire running through my veins is powerful and destructive, and I really want to give in to what it's telling me to do. Then he traces his hand down my arm, and it becomes incredibly tingly. When he walks away from me, I regain myself and realize how thirsty I probably looked.

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