Chapter 4

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Chanel Mnemosyne Wilson on the media...

(Author's Note)

Please help me gain readers guys. And please let me know what you think about this sequel. haha.... ENJOY!

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 4

After eating breakfast, Chanel and I immediately went out the apartment as we heard the sound of the constant moaning of the two lovebirds coming from their room. Geez, I just can't believe this two.

A 'ding' indicating that we had reached the ground floor dragged me out from my train of thoughts. Slowly, Chanel and I went out and I followed Chanel as she climb to her white car. Geez! This girl screams coolness and hotness at the same time.

After like twenty minutes, we reached the heart of the city and Chanel wasted no time to enter the shopping center. I followed suit as people eyed my gorgeous bestfriend. "Ughhh, I hate this people!" Chanel stated suddenly which made me look at her. "Remind me not to come with you again. This people are eyeing you more than me. I hate this setup!" Annoyance is evident on her tone.

I let out a little laugh which made Chanel glare at me. I turned my gaze around the area only to find out that people really are eyeing me. I felt creepy from their gazes that I immediately dragged Chanel to one of the boutiques.

"Hey, what's with the sudden dragging huh! Ughh I bet you are just not used to this kind of attention huh, Lei?" Chanel smirked at me making me roll my eyes at her.

"Isn't it obvious? They look creepy though." I retorted which made Chanel burst out laughing.

"Well, we pretty creatures should get used to this kind of stuffs, Lei. We only live pretty once you know. Brace it." And she laughed again.

Suddenly, a lady from the boutique where we entered came to us. She is pretty tall and has a gorgeous aura. She smiles like some of those stewardesses which made me smile back while Chanel just rolled her eyes at the pretty lady's look.

"Good day, ladies. Welcome to our boutique. How may we help you?" The lady asked still showing her white smile.

I was about to answer when Chanel immediately spoke up. "Do you have any outfit for this twink over here which says 'I just look innocent but I am not and that I am a virgin but in reality, I am a fucker and I love to suck dicks and I hate tits?" My mouth hanged agape at Chanel's usage of words. Geez, I can never remember that I told her that kind of fashion statement.

Geez! This bitch! It better look good though.

The lady let out a soft chuckle and turned her gaze to me. "Oh my! I never thought you're not a girl, mister. You just look really gorgeous that even experts can never determine what gender you have. Anyway, follow me for that fashion statement you want." The lady led us towards the inner side of the boutique which holds more than just one type of brands of garments.

The area contains shoes, dresses, jeans, and any other accessories that will make even the shopaholics' mouths water in admiration. "Okay, so can you please wait here while I gather some outfits of your choice?" The lady asked and we both nodded in agreement.

As the lady disappeared, I immediately grabbed Chanel's arms which made her kinda shocked. "You got to be kidding me ,Cee! You know how broke I am and you brought me here to buy expensive clothing?" Chanel just gave me her pokerface which made me more irritated.

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