Chapter 18

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 18

Days had passed and we are currently having a two-week university suspension due to an unknown circumstance. Well, not literally unknown since it is kind of evident that the governing body that leads the university faces current issues that made even the university schedules and classes be affected.

Like what the actual hell?

That is so super irresponsible on their part. And on our part? Well, that is so unfair! It should always be a huge requisite for these people to be responsible enough to make things move on a good way. This is the reason why politics and governance should always be studied in the most crucial way. Heck, it is not just them who were being affected, everyone as well.

Argghh! Thinking about this bullshits put me in my own berserk mind. It is still early in the morning and here I am listening to the constant whining of my friend Jace about the university issues and the likes of it.

"People like them should get immediate headshot by a pistol or something! Ughhh! Why can they be so corrupt and careless? If they were planning on doing all the possible bad stuffs using the school's money, they have been super cautious to avoid spilling their own beans and digging holes for themselves. Ughhhh! I hate this!" Jace whined like a child while screaming on the other line like it was his own mortal enemy.

If I were to imagine my beautiful androgynous friend right now, I bet his hands are all over the place with that pretty angered façade she always wears whenever he's on this state. He even acts worse than a girl on her menstrual period.

I let out a little chuckle to tease him and I was successful at that because next thing I knew, he was already cursing me. "Stop laughing you piece of cute shit! Damn! You knew me well to tease me while I am on the verge of doing my own rampage."

"Don't worry, Jace. We are both on the same side here. You are worse than a girl on her period. By the way, where is the cute little Xeno? Are you going to hang out with him today?" I asked out of the blue.

"Xeno's another cute piece of shit! Hell, upon hearing the suspended classes he immediately flew to some place out of my knowledge. That twink will literally get a good spanking session once he dares to show his pretty face to me again." He threatened which made me laugh.

Good thing that Xeno now knows how to tease our best friend. Why? Because he actually told me where he was going together with his parents for a little vacation. I even asked him if he will be with Caleb but he just shrugged it off and told me to take care of myself as well as Jace's.

Even now, I still can't get over the fact that Caleb doesn't want Xeno for himself. Hell, Xeno is his perfect match. I guess they just both need some more time to figure thing out. Well, maybe that is just applicable for Caleb knowing Xeno has already had everything to wait for Caleb to like him back.

"Geez, Jace! You cursed a lot. Besides, Xeno told me before leaving. He even said hi to you." And with that said, he let out a very ear-wrecking scream of frustration. I laughed my stomach out at that and almost rolled on my carpeted floor. "Another thing though... spanking session? I never thought you were the Christian Grey type of a person." I added and again burst out laughing.

"Well, more like the Anastasia Steel type who could have Christian's guts if being awakened. Haha!" I can feel his air back to his normal self now as we both laugh at his statement.

"What are you doing by the way? It's for two weeks, Jace." I asked kind of curious as to how he will spend his vacation.

"I'll be going home for this week and be back after that. And maybe just wait for that cute little Xeno. I already planned it though together with Xeno and maybe get a one-week job or something. I can't say I can hang out with you knowing that your hot boyfriend will have you all for himself." I blush at his retort and when I turned to the mirror, I was shocked to see myself smiling.

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