Chapter 8

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Zero Matthews (just think of a blonde one) on the media...

(Author's Note)

Here's another chappy, everyone... Geez! I am wondering when will Nick meet Skylar again. Hahaha


It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 8

"He is a gay guy. Duh!" A kid made everything around me stop just by saying these words. I slowly turned my gaze to the source of the voice and was immediately greeted by these eyes making the hairs on my skin rise in a goosebump. He has a blonde hair that suits perfectly on his cute little face.

A cute face that I knew hides something. I mean, this is the first time of my life to actually get into an action with a bully as young as this 4 year old boy. Geez! By the looks of him, I already know he is four knowing that most of the kids inside this room are.

"Well that is so cool." The girl whom I pinched her cheeks earlier squealed making me look at her. "Can we play afterwards with stuffs like dolls? My mom always refuses me playing this." She continued to talk making the other agree and ask me to play with them too. Now, the whole classroom was filled with the kids asking for me to be their playmate.

"Don't mind Zero, teacher. He is always a bully to all even the teachers." Another kid talked making me look at Zero who is now busy with his art book. I wonder why this kid acts like this. What could be the cause of his coldness? He's too young for that and basing on his way of doing things, he doesn't have any friends.

"Look! Look! Teacher has a tattoo on his wrists. Come look at this." Another kid move closer to me making me feel a bit distracted from my reverie. Geez, this Zero kid makes me feel something. Something inside me moves whenever he steals glances at me. It is kind of intimidating. On the other hand, I think this kid calls for help.

Yes, that is right. I know my mission now. And that is Zero. A name so mysterious that fits to a mysterious owner – a mysterious kid to be exact.

After the little commotion and some get-to-know-me stuff I had with the kids, I noticed that Zero isn't participating well. He acts too old for his age which makes him more special. Focusing on the task in hand, I asked the kids to draw their dream houses and color it with the best they could.

The kids immediately did the task I assigned to them which is somewhat a relief to me. As the kids started drawing and coloring, my attention was again captured by Zero. His table is way different than his classmates in a sense that everything he had placed there is very well-organized.

His pens, crayon, scratch pads and other art stuffs are arranged in an orderly manner. The colors of the crayon are in an amazing rainbow manner as it followed the color arrangement well. Geez, this kid is a genius. I can't help but feel too intimidated and of course more curious with this one.

After the said activity, I gave them their time for a quick snack which made all of them scream in excitement except Zero who still act like he doesn't care at all. While checking the artworks that the children had produced, only one really did capture my attention.

Zero's work showed how creative and special he is for his age. The houses that most of his classmates had drawn are big houses, some are buildings, but Zero's an exception. The dream house he had is just a simple house built on top of a cloud. What made it more eye-catching is that the house only has two colors... black and white.

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