Chapter 20

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Samantha Jones on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 20

Skylar turned his gaze towards me and when his eyes locked with mine, I smiled sadly.

It was all nothing.

It was all nothing.

It was all nothing.

It was all nothing.

We are nothing.

Those are nothing but empty bullsh*ts.

He's just being sweet towards me for nothing. And like the dumb and stupid prey I was, I willingly accepted and thought that everything's going to be how I wished it could be. Skylar being bisexual was just a figment of how we used to be. A brief history of how he was being played by his hormones being a teenager and nothing else.

The Skylar I thought I can be with... again... is nothing but a straight guy holding a very beautiful supermodel who was rumored as a person whom he was dating. Seeing them both right in front of me clarified all the rumors that most people heard and sufficed those who were really intrigued about the two. I mean, this is the first time that I've heard of that rumor but I never thought that it will hurt like a bitch.

Skylar immediately dragged his gaze away from me the moment he locked it with mine. And maybe, he wasn't even able to see my smile. Like why the hell would he be bothering himself with a smile being shown by no one but me? Just a no one who thought that the spark I felt everytime we were both inside the same room is the same as his.

I chuckled bitterly at the thought.

Like what the hell is wrong with me? I've passed all these trials and I am now facing a complete replica of it but why am I feeling like this is something worse? Maybe it is because I thought this time, it would be worth it.

Yeah... the ironically stupid worth it situation.

I breathe in deeply and wiped the single strand of tear. I think this is the only consolation I gained for the past years of my struggles – the ability to not cry my heart out. Well, I can never say I was never weak but I am completely aware that at least this time, I was able to hold it inside.

I think I need to let it out somehow. Maybe a call from a friend would suffice. Or maybe something better.

Speaking of friends, I never thought that they'll all be pushing me into reaccepting Skylar into my life. Who wouldn't? Skylar acts like he is super sincere so why not?

Slowly, I walked back at the elevator where I came and get back to where Zero is. I reached the doorknob of Skylar's fancy office and immediately trotted towards Zero's room. The kid was lying on a small couch as he continued to watch the movie.

"Mom? You look weird." Zero commented the moment I reached where he was lying. This kid really is a wonderful one. I maybe should be more careful with my every façade. His really quick in determining something wrong that it sometimes gives me creep.

I smiled sadly and made a silent sorry to the kid in front of me.

Lying to Zero gives me an undeniable pang on my chest but I have to do this. Last time I checked, when I decided to deal with situations like this later than necessary, I was the one who struggled a lot. Maybe now I learned my lesson so I should just let it be. This should be done or else I'll be again dragging people towards this mess I made.

I'll cross the bridge later when I see it.

"Zee, mom has something to tell you." I started and the innocent kid nodded. "Mom's going to visit a relative from a little far place and you won't be seeing me for a while." The lie tastes bile inside my mouth.

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