Chapter 23

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Zero Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 23

Three weeks had passed and everything went back to normal. Well, almost. Why? Because I had given Skylar his daily dose of cold treatment. After what happened at the resort owned by Xeno's family, I decided to stop any connection possible with the boy I love.

Skylar had done everything just to get a good talk with me but I on the other hand tried my best to avoid the guy. Ughhh this thing starts to get super annoying! Can't he just understand that I don't want to hear any of his excuses and explanation? I mean, I would love to but up until this moment, I'd rather not.

Everything still felt awfully painful and the images of him kissing that b*tch makes me want to scream and tell him why did he do that? He told me he loved me, no, scratch that... he showed me he loves me from his acts and treatment, who would never think the same thing as I did?

Holycrap! I keep on telling myself to let him go but here I was, the same stupid little Asian gay twink who's too dumb for love.

Today, I am currently inside Zero's room doing our usual routine which is playing before sleeping. Well if you are wondering why am I still in this house, the answer is simple. I can't just leave my poor little Zero that easily. The kid already had been a big part of me. I am now so attached to the kid that it hurts knowing that one day, I might not see him because of the stupidity that I had involving his father.

"Mom! Look!" Zero exclaimed pointing the lego blocks he had built as a tall castle. I smiled at how smart this kid is and it still is a mystery for me why is his brain kind of advanced than most kids.

"Let me add something from it. You wait for me here." I told him and got out of his room to get the flag on my bag. Yes, a flag. I had toy flags on my bag which is inside the guestroom because our lesson yesterday was all about triangles and the things are still in there.

I half walk, half run until I reached the room. I opened the door and searched for the bag but it wasn't there. I keep on looking for it for minutes but it was still not there. I almost screamed in annoyance knowing too well where I placed my bag.

This is frustrating!

I sat on top of the bed and huffed trying so hard to remember where the bag really was but I can't. I am a hundred percent sure that the bag was just placed on the bed. I continued looking for it until I decided to look under the bed. I slowly crouched and bent my legs exposing my thighs since I'm just wearing short shorts.

I started crouching for more but it was nowhere to be found. Scanning what is underneath the bed, I heard the room's door which was already opened being opened wider. Deciding not to be bothered by it, I continued to look for it. Like why the hell should this bed be this big?

Still crouching, I heard a deep familiar voice speak. "Don't you know how hot you are exposing your ass while crouching? I would love to ravish you right here right now." Skylar shamelessly stated making me jolt and immediately stand. He has a smirk plastered on his handsome face wanting to be punched. Geez!

"Why don't you ravish that girl called a girlfriend?" The words came out of my mouth before I got the chance to stop it. His arrogant façade immediately died down and turned into a disappointed one even if he tried to hide it.

"I told you, let me explain. It is you whom I love, not Sam. If only you'll listen to me." This is the nth time he tried to explain his side but I am too stupid if I will listen. I can't go back to this. I should do my best to divert everything I felt for him.

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