Chapter 10

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Skylar Dylan Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 10

"Okay class, that's all for the day. Happy weekend." Everyone exclaimed after our professor dismissed us. I was about to go out from the classroom when I saw Xeno struggling to keep all his books from his hold.

"Geez! Xee, you could just have asked for my help." He just smiled shyly at me. And if I am not that close to him, I wouldn't have known that he is just this shy even to his friends. Typical Xeno.

"Thanks, Lei. So how's working with the kids going?" He asked me as we walked out of the classroom.

"Well, it's the best! I mean, I love kids and teaching them the same talent as I have is pretty cool. Thanks so much." We both smiled and continued walking.

"You know what? I think I already have heard your ex-boyfriend's name being spoken byé." He blushed as he said the word which made me realize how much he really likes this guy he calls his fiancé.

I was still smiling when the thought hit me – ex-boyfriend, Skylar... and wait, Zero! Geez, how could I forget something so important? Zero must be upset now knowing that I can't spend this day with him.

"What's wrong, Lei?" Xeno asked me as he put his books on his locker.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Well, it's almost six o'clock in the evening. Why? Did something happen?" Xeno's face started to contort with pressure and fear and I know that it mirrored mine.

"Nothing, nothing...I-uh... I think that I just need to go now. Goodbye and see you!" I did not wait for him to respond and I immediately dashed outside the school. I hope Zero won't get mad at me knowing that I've been too stupid to forget about his little invitation.

I was about to cross the street when I heard a honking sound from a car. I looked where the sound came from and I immediately regretted upon seeing Skylar. He is still on his business attire which added to his hotness and charisma.

Geez! Stop with all those thoughts, Nick. Get a grip of yourself.

I let out a breath and closed my eyes trying to recover from my stance. I was about to take another puff of air when Skylar's familiar scent hit my nose. And seconds later, he is already dragging me towards his car.

"Don't you dare close your eyes on me after checking me out, you sexy." I blushed at his statement.

"What the actual hell are you talking about? It's not like I got a thing on you." I rolled my eyes at his usual conceited aura. "And could you please stop dragging me like I'm a little kid."

"Correction, Enne. You still got a thing on me and it is pretty obvious... like literally. And another thing is you're an actual epitome of little." And with that, he let out a manly laugh which sent shivers all over my spine.

Remind me that he is my ex.... My freaking ex! And exes are off limits on my dictionary.

I was blushing when I replied. "Fuck you!"

"Later, Enne. I bet you'll be screaming like there is no tomorrow." And then he laughed again causing me to blush even harder.

"You pervert!" I tried to hide my blushing face by looking the other way. Geez! What's with this guy?!

"Only to you, babe." And with that, he started the engine.

An awkward silence filled the whole atmosphere – which is a total boredom! The ride was uneventful with Skylar stealing glances on me. And how did I notice that? Well, I was doing the same thing he is. Haha.

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