Chapter 21

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Nick Leighton Lewis on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 21

I hated myself as of this moment. I hated myself for not being strong enough. Five years of pure agony and here I am, still crying. I should have been strong the moment I came back here in New York. I should have been way better than I was before.

But here I am. Crying my heart out as I felt rejected all over again. I never thought that I'll meet this familiar feeling again. That's why I shouldn't have trusted myself too much. I shouldn't have been too confident about everything going back to normal.

To start with, I was never normal. I am gay. I am nothing but a faggot. I envy those who belong to the third sex generation who were living a happy life. I envy my brother because he found someone like Chris Wilson. I envy them and the others who were fortunate enough to have someone they can lean on to.

The sky kept crying mimicking me. This day is very eventful. It started with a sweet moment and ended the other way round. I don't know how long I have been staying here but to say that I was hurt is an understatement. I was indeed not hurt, I was broken. And the sadder thing is.... I am broken... again.

The rain continued to pour heavily making me starting to feel cold. The numbness in me was lost. It is indeed freezing outside. I can see nobody in this park I was in. Basing from the darkness that dominated the whole area, I bet it is already around nine in the evening. I never felt hungry or thirsty. Even the whole time was forgotten.

I moved a little only to feel a painful feeling on my feet. This was the thing that received the most impact when I was thrown away. I flinched as I felt my dislocated bone being moved. I need someone this time.

I can't go ask someone here though. The whole area was abandoned when the rain started to I can't aim for a help from someone around here. The freezing cold feeling started to overwhelm my senses making me start to shake unnaturally.

That's when I realized that I have my phone with me on my pocket. Good thing it is a good kind of phone because it is waterproof. Without hesitation, I fetch for the device and opened the screen. Once done, a popup box immediately appeared.

I have thirty-seven calls and forty-two text messages coming from one person only. Like why did he even bother to contact me? What is his reason for even trying to call and send a text to me? To tell me to leave her girlfriend alone? Well, he can protect her all he wants.

I am done with all his antics about liking and even loving me. I had enough and now is not the time for him. I swiped the popup box away and made a call for Jace. Xeno is in a vacation so he cannot be available for a moment, but Jace is. I dialed Jace's number and on the third ring, he answered.

"What's up?" He greeted nonchalantly making me roll my eyes.

"C-can y-you fet-fetch me here at Central P-park?" I was struggling to form coherent words because of the freezing environment.

"Lei?! What the hell happened to your cute voice?! Ughhh! What is wrong with me? I should have asked for you not your voice. Sorry, what happened?!" At a moment, I chuckled at his words. At least I felt a bit brighter now that someone's concerned at me.

"J-just com-come hea—" I wasn't able to complete what I am about to say when everything around me moved around. I started to felt dizzy and then everything went black.


I woke up and was greeted by a white ceiling. I immediately closed my eyes back and opened again. I did the pattern for a few tries until I adjusted to the light inside the room. An IV is attached on me and it won't take a rocket scientist to know where I am.

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