Chapter 25

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Mason Alexander Lewis on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 25

"So how's the meeting? Did you get the investment? Is the investor a guy? Is he good-looking? Is he even young? Is he---" Mason's booming queries greeted me the moment I called him after that shitty deal I had with Mr. I-am-so-Arrogant. I am on the verge of crying right now. I mean, who would want to marry a guy who has a Greek god's level of arrogance and confidence? Geez, the moment I saw him, I totally knew the deal won't end in a good way.

He is taking too much advantage on my part knowing that I badly need his company to save ours. And the thing is, I can't just go and tell my big oblivious brother that the guy who wanted to invest to us wanted to get married to your one and only brother. That would be a disaster.

On the other hand, I kind of think that what I have done is something that is for the betterment of the company. I have already been selfish all my life and leaving Mason to face more of the problems relating to our company would totally bring me to an undefined level of guilt.

"Could you just stop asking questions? You're giving me a headache. You didn't even ask me if I am doing good or whatnot." I told him in an exhausted voice.

"Oh come on little bro. I am completely aware that you are doing fine. And let me guess, you got the deal, right?!" His voice suddenly became excited. Mason's confidence towards me is kinda annoying sometimes.

"Yeah, yeah, I got the freaking deal and th—" I never got to finish my statement when Mason suddenly erupted with a loud yell.

"I knew it! With that charm of yours, I am completely aware that you'll get the deal. That's my little Asian brother!" I rolled my eyes at his childhood antics. Whatever my decision was, I am happy I've made my big brother happy as well. "By the way, why do you sound off? Is the investor a hot bachelor?"

"W-well, I am kind of tired and too much talking brings me more negative vibes so can I talk to you some other time?" I replied trying to sound convincing.

"Nope! You are going to tell me everything and everything needed with no little detail left." I wanted to scream out loud. Mason's being such a nuisance again. I can't handle this side of him. I know that the only thing to stop this madness that he started is to agree with his terms.

And that is to tell him everything.


I was currently in the kitchen making pancakes for my beloved Zero. The little boy is on his room right now watching some documentaries about the Roman civilization which is not that surprising for me. I mean, for the nth time, Zero is a gifted child.

Flipping the pancake, I started to sway my hips as I hummed to the rhythm of a song that I tried to sing. While doing such, big hands slowly encircled its way to my waist making me roll my eyes.

Skylar had been and always been an annoying childish brat the moment I decided not to interfere into any business he had. Those were the moments I decided to act like he doesn't even exist inside and outside the house.

And since I've known him for like forever, getting his hands off of me would only result to more bothering and touching so better let the guy be.

The moment he realized I was hurt and when I came back to his mansion, he immediately had done his best for me to talk and interact with him. Geez, he was totally the most annoying guy ever. He even tried to force me to sleep with him again but I know better than to do such thing.

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