Chapter 12

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Zero Matthews on the media...

It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 12

Sore... according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, hurt or inflamed so as to be or seem painful.

One word to describe the only feeling that dominated my body as I woke up this morning. Geez! What could have happened last night that caused me to feel this sore? My body felt so sore that almost even the ability to walk is prohibited... good thing I still can.

Well, more like... wish that I can. Ughhh!

Seriously, I walk up because of the light that passed through the glass windows. Like... what the hell?! Who raised the blinds early this morning?

I tried to make a subtle move but immediately regretted it as my head felt like it's going to explode. I groaned in pain as my head started to hurt. Geez! What have I done last night?

As the question hit me, I tried to recover any memories that I had last night. From the little cute talk with Zero, to the playing we had, the movie marathon, Skylar's glare as he told me to sleep on his bed, to the drinking of water on the kitchen, to... to.... TO THE.... OH NO!!!!

No! no! no! To the serious talk I had with Skylar at the pool.... To the little drinking that we had... and to the... OH NO! I can't remember anything after that. Well, maybe the beer was special that it really had affected my memories like this. The beer was just so strong and last time I check, I am not a hard drinker and so maybe it triggered my brain immediately.

Yeah, that's right. It's not like something so important had happened after that drink, right? RIGHT?! Geez! Just thinking on what really happened last night puts me on a state of hysteria. Just thinking about the possible scenarios makes me feel more dizzy to the extent that I almost want to give up when a thought hit me.


With the thought on my mind, I unconsciously checked my lower entrance. I immediately did one of the most embarrassing thing a human like me had done. I slowly touched my entrance and gasped in pain when I felt that my entrance has obtained the sorest part of my body.

And with that, my eyes immediately widened as memories flashed one by one like a thunderstorm breaking my solemn façade.

With eyes wide opened, mouth hanging ajar, I gulped at the thought that came to me. Skylar and I had done the thing we shouldn't have done. I mean, we are both drank but I can't help but put the blame on myself. NO! NO! NO!

"Cool! But I won't die from this, right?" I joked, earning another chuckle from him. Geez, did he know how hot his chuckles are?

"Just don't drink too much." He warned.

"Yeah, whatever." I waved my hand dismissing the warning."

This can't be freaking happening!!!

Ughhh! Why am I so stupid in dismissing his warning though!

I was in the middle of my resolution regarding the "sex escapade" I had with Skylar last night when I noticed where I am. Like seriously, I woke up like an hour ago and here I am, not even contemplating where I am.

Suddenly, a little manly groan woke me up from my trance. "Ughhmmm" I immediately darted my eyes at the source of that hot sound and was dumbfounded to see that Skylar is the guy I was with in his bed.

As I gained my rationality, I immediately grabbed the duvet to cover my naked body and was more shocked when all of it were pulled leaving nothing to Skylar. "Geez, Enne. What is wrong with you?" He yawned as he wiped the remaining evidence of sleep.

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