Chapter 27

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Stacey Maxwell on the media...


Hey guys! Skylar and Nick are on their way to the finale. Geez! I hope it's a happy one.

Enjoy Reading!


It Ended With a Promise

Chapter 27

"Ughhh! I still can't believe that after all those years that I spent cheating on Xeno's notes and whatnot, I am going to graduate! At last!" Jace exclaimed as he stuffed the pizza on his mouth devouring the poor thing like a madman.

"W-well, it's not that you did not even study a bit. I mean, all the accomplishments that you got are because of what and how you wanted them to be." Xeno replied sounding so innocent.

"Oh come on, Xee! You always act like the super good adviser you are. I know what I am talking so there is no need for you to accept my words whole-heartedly." Jace rolled his eyes at Xeno's retort making Xeno blush.

"I-I'm j-just saying the truth. You are as good as I am and Leighton." Xeno commented making Jace roll his eyes for the second time.

Jace straightened his sitting position and sat in an interested manner. He eyed Xeno for a minute which gained a confused look from both Xeno and me. "You know what; I always wonder why that delicious guy named Caleb rejects someone who's worth more than a perfect shot." He continued to lock his gaze on Xeno's now embarrassed frame. "Can't he just see how perfect you are? With how attractive you look even with those glasses on. With that hair and eyes that really did a good impression to your physique. That brain that makes everyone even the teachers turned on. And that attitude and innocence that drags all to the peak. Geez, I bet Caleb is somewhat having brain issues." Jace shrugged off the last words.

I can't agree more to what Jace had said with regards to Xeno. Hell, if only I swing the Xeno way, I bet I had already done a lot of things just to win this guy's heart. I slowly turned my gaze towards the smaller guy and smiled at how adorable he reacted to Jace's words.

Xeno is blushing deeply crimson as he averted his gaze away from the both of us. He was fiddling his fingers in a very cute way. And then, he slowly went to peek back to Jace. "T-that's no-not me, J-Jace. I'm not t-the attractive one. I-I'm not th—"

"How about we do something else?" I immediately cut off what he was supposed to say knowing how low his self-esteem was. He is the type of guy whom you would do anything just to protect him. As much as I want to protect Xeno from fully breaking his heart from Caleb, I just can't. I don't know where this came from but I can feel that they were meant to be together.

Xeno is the complete opposite of Caleb and I do believe that opposite attracts. I guess and hope that my theory is somewhat possible. I could wish no better guy for Xeno than Caleb.

"Okaaay! So what are our plans next week? I mean, after the graduation? Are we gonna go clubbing? I bet we will!" Jace exclaimed and stood up while wailing and dancing to the invisible beat.

Xeno held his laughter at how awful Jace dances and after a while, all of us burst into a fit of laughter. We talked more about stuffs like the works that we are going to pursue after we get our degrees and stuffs related to it.

While talking, my phone beeped indicating a message. A smile crept its way to my face as I opened the message and saw whom it came from.


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